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在柔和的月光下她双眼发亮。Her eyes glowed in the mellowness of the moonlight.

清醇入耳,柔情优雅,给人舒服的感觉。Mellowness ear, tenderness elegant, giving a comfortable feeling.

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入泡此汤能让您感受贵州酒文化的醇厚与悠长。Soaks this soup can let you feel Guizhou liquor culture mellowness and long.

桃花心木有较大的音量,却没有玫瑰木拥有较好的音质、甜味和远达性。Mahogany has more volume, but rosewood has a higher quality tone. And mellowness. And projection.

宽广的角度扩散而不重复,使声音通透明亮、浑厚圆润、强劲有力。The spacious angle is spread but not repeat, make the voice is brightness, mellowness and powerful.

这是最好的茶之一。你看,它叶片紧紧卷曲,尖的,香味浓郁、滋味淳厚。It's of the finest quality. You see, its tightly curled and has pointed leaves with outstanding aroma and mellowness.

周末的午后,在慵懒的阳光里享受茶的醇香,音乐的曼妙。The weekend afternoon, enjoys the fragrance and mellowness in the lazy sunlight which receives bethrothal gifts, music grace.

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其金黄的丰富并不表示春季纯洁无知,也不表示夏季强盛的威力,而表示老年的成熟与蔼然可亲的智慧。Its golden richness speaks not of the innocence of spring, nor of the power of summer, but of the mellowness and kindly wisdom of approaching age.

让您的朋友劳累一天后泡个澡,缓解一天的压力,一边享受着干白的醇美。At the same time one tired Heaven's Queen is steeped a bath by your friend, pressure relieving one day's, be enjoying with no result white mellowness.

无疑他的声名主要是戏剧上的艺术成就带来的,然而他的十四行诗表达了对爱情强烈的渴望,对它的甘美甜蜜也描绘得恰到好处。There is no doubt that his fame mainly came from his plays, however his poems expressed a strong eagerness of love and gracefully described the mellowness of it as well.

神秘和多种现代乐器的纯熟圆润巧妙融合,制作了一席音乐的饕餮大餐邀听众共享。In the music record , composers and players fused subtly the solitary remote mysterious characteristic of Tartar pipe with the modern musical instruments' dexterity and mellowness.

酒性柔和,酒色橙黄清亮,酒香馥郁芬芳,酒味甘香醇厚,为绍兴酒中的珍贵佳酿。Stockpiled for several years, Shaoxing rice wine has turned to Huadiao wine, which is crowned as a rare vintage due to its brilliant orange yellow colour, rich mellowness and sweet taste.

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它浓艳的金色并不说明春天的无知,也不说明夏天的力量,而是说明未来老年的成熟、温和与智慧。Its golden richness speaks not of the innocence of spring, nor the power of summer, but of the mellowness and kindly wisdom of approaching age. It knows the limitations of life and its content.

现在正给科伦坡这位阔人收送衣服的贫家女子,生就一种非常柔和的性情,用言语是形容不尽的。This daughter of poverty, who was now to fetch and carry the laundry of this distinguished citizen of Columbus, was a creature of a mellowness of temperament which words can but vaguely suggest.