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一些沼泽地已被污染。Some glades have been polluted.

结果,那条河被污染了。As a result, the river is polluted.

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甬江宁波段污染较重。River in Ningbo is seriously polluted.

密云水库的水很干净没有受污染。The water in Miyun is clean and not polluted.

这条被污染的河发出臭味。The polluted river gives off a terrible smell.

被污染的水,也会制造酸涩的声音。Water that is polluted also makes sour sounds.

天然资源也不会遭污染或耗尽。Natural resources are not polluted or depleted.

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还有一个人,甚至比受到玷污的教士还要坏!There is one worse than even the polluted priest!

临汾是地球上污染最严重的城市之一。Linfen is one of the most polluted cities on Earth.

因为河流严重污染,鱼都死了。The fish died because the river was badly polluted.

工厂里放出来的污染的大气呛得我几乎透不过气来。The polluted air from the factory almost choked me.

是谁污染了登山的精神?。Who has polluted the pure spring of mountaineering?

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绝好的景致,坏在一只塑料袋上。A wonderful picture, but polluted by a polybag only.

受到污染的空气和水,对人的健康是有害的。Polluted air and water are harmful to people’s health.

小溪污染了,忍冬花凋零了。The branch was polluted and the honeysuckles had died.

这条河四分之一的水已经被污染了。One fourth of the water in the river has been polluted.

我想使它成为一个更干净、污染更少的居住场所。I would make it a cleaner and less polluted place to live.

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曾经是很清澈的山溪,现在受到污染变得混浊了。The once clear mountain stream is now polluted and opaque.

从水质评价结果可以看出,阿哈湖水库已受到一定程度的污染。It was showed that Aha Lake was polluted in a certain extent.

我们城市周围的护城河最近被严重污染了。The moat around our city has been seriously polluted recently.