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我不可能做到大公无私。It is impossible for me to be impartial.

他是一名铁面无私的法官。He is a impartial and incorruptible judge.

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他是一名铁面无私的法官。He's an impartial and perspicacious judge.

他是一名铁面无私的法官。He is an impartial and incorruptible judge.

判断学生的时候请努力保持不偏不倚!Try to be impartial in judging the students.

联合国需要一份公正的调查。The UN has demanded an impartial investigation.

奥斯蒙德发问,口气装得不偏不倚,难以理解似的。Osmond asked in the tone of impartial curiosity.

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工具使得我们对进展有个公正的度量。A tool gives us an impartial measure of progress.

就业指导员向所有学生提供公正无私的建议。Careers officers offer impartial advice to all pupils.

他是一名铁面无私的法官。He is a impartial and incorruptible law-officer. judge.

这些评价非常中肯,也都入木三分的。The fair and impartial evaluation, also penetrating the.

这位法官公正无私,受到人们的信任。The judge is impartial and selfless. He is trusted by people.

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他说,一个自由、公平、公正的调查正在进行。A free, fair and impartial investigation is under way, he said.

只有两种办法可以做到不偏不倚。There are only two ways to be quite unprejudiced and impartial.

我们应该采用纯粹折价还是时间上的公平观念?And should we adopt pure discounting or be temporally impartial?

厚此薄彼之议事方法,不足取也。Procedural methods that are not impartial are also insufficient.

让他获得公下和无偏见的审理是很重要的。To give him a fair and impartial hearing is of great importance.

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保证检测值的准确与公正性具有重要的意义。We should ensure that inspection results are exact and impartial.

觉知是一种完整的观察。Mindfulness is an impartial watchfulness . It does not take sides.

审级制度是为法院的公正裁判服务的。The system of judicial level is in the service of impartial judge.