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我的牙齿痛了。My teeth hurt.

他们修复牙齿。They fis teeth.

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梦到掉牙。Teeth falling out.

他咬牙切齿。He grits his teeth.

想拥有洁白皎齿?Want perfect teeth?

龇牙或伸舌。With teeth or tongue.

我看他们的牙齿。I look at their teeth.

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我的牙和下巴疼。My teeth and jaw hurt.

我可以为你洗牙。I can clean your teeth.

腐烂的牙齿和牙龈。Rotting teeth and gums.

对于智齿,也是同样的道理。Same with wisdom teeth.

谁喜欢歪牙?Who likes crooked teeth?

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你用牙线剔牙吗?。Did you floss your teeth?

为什么儿童要做窝沟封闭?Why seal a child's teeth?

踩烂这个杂种的牙!Bust this bastard's teeth.

但是金牙姑姑很坚定。But Gold Teeth stood firm.

这种牙膏洁齿清气。A paste for cleaning teeth.

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小牛犊出生时有牙齿吗?Are calves born with teeth?

我已经准备好刷我的小牙牙了。I'm ready to wash my teeth.

门牙,门齿,切牙。Incisor. He used his teeth.