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狼的强有穿透力的嚎叫是大自然赋予的。The howl of the wolf is one of nature's most evocative and powerful sounds.

没有哪个地方能像桂林一样更能让人想起贵国是一个美丽的国度。No place in China is more evocative of the beauty of your country than Guilin.

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成功的广告文字撰稿人是贴切且能引起共鸣的大师。The successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images.

然而,这些患者的临床特点不令人回味的KS。Nevertheless, the clinical features of these patients were not evocative of KS.

部大胆反抗地从干旱的一个沙丘在这唤起的照片。A lone plant juts defiantly from the arid sand of a dune in this evocative image.

结尾部分的特征在于结合了钢琴的对位旋律。The Coda features the tune combined with an evocative countermelody in the piano.

但是即便是一个拥有现代和抽象设计的网站也可以拥有召唤属性。But even websites with a modern and minimalist design can have evocative attributes.

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在2002年,五角大楼上演了一项名为“电子珍珠港”的实战演习。In 2002 the Pentagon ran a war-game with the evocative title "Digital Pearl Harbour".

时至今日,罗马依然是古代的世界中心,那里散布的断壁残垣使人浮想联翩。Today, Rome is still the center of the ancient world, littered with evocative remains.

我觉得摄影很刺激,能激发你的想象力。I think photography is something that should be evocative and that stirs your imagination.

而这些东西都能唤起士兵的回忆和感情,它们作为线索。Of course, all these items in the knapsack are evocative and what they do is they suggest a plot.

如画般的,引人共鸣和遐想的风和寒冷。建筑所饱含的令人惊异的美。Painterly and evocative of wind and cold, beauty of the starkness of the buildings' perseverance.

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一部引人深思的小说,叙述了一个年轻女子关于童年、家庭、贫穷和暴力的回忆。An evocative novel recounting a young woman's memories of childhood, family, poverty and violence.

圣断,从善雷贝斯五年来首次发布,是他们最明晰和令人回味呢。Holy Broken, the first release from Sin Ropas in five years, is their most lucid and evocative yet.

这最小的一块废弃物,正如生命中最容易转瞬即逝的事情一样,应该是最能唤起记忆的东西。The smallest bits of jetsam, like the most transient incidents in a life, can be the most evocative.

也许,瑞凡在影片中的表现之所以呼之欲出,是因为他缺少生来为明星演员的做作。Maybe what makes River so evocative is that he lacks the affectations of the born-to-be-a-star actor.

这一时期的历史,基本上便是这种标志和符号的集合,富有煽动性,却又短命。The history of the period is mainly a collection of such emblems and symbols, evocative but ephemeral.

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电影语言——包括任何学科的鼓动性语言——都有情感的成分在其中。The real language of film — and the evocative language of any discipline — has an emotional component.

刺激属性甚至变化更大,仅仅因为所有的用户都拥有一个独特的经历和激励。Evocative qualities vary even more, simply because all users have a unique history and unique memories.

玻璃饰有线条状图案,像淅淅沥沥的雨帘。These glass screens are printed with a linear pattern that is intended to be evocative of falling rain.