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我给我的猫起名叫塞勒姆。I named my cat Salem.

“书写用纸在那时是非常稀缺的,”萨勒穆解释到。"Paper was a rarity back then, " Salem explains.

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塞伦负责安排运送防空导弹。Salem arranged shipments of anti-aircraft missiles.

日烟国际销售的卷烟品牌有骆驼和沙龙。JTI sells cigarette brands including Camel and Salem.

拉贾.萨勒姆和丈夫艾哈迈德一起来菜市场买东西。Raja Salem has come shopping with her husband, Ahmed.

这就是著名的塞勒姆女巫受审案。This is the well-known Salem witch trial in the case.

和来自温斯顿-塞勒姆地区的拉美裔人群。on campus with Hispanic community in Winston- Salem area.

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那就是来自温斯顿-塞勒姆的拉美裔人群不断增加,Winston- Salem is, has a large growing Hispanic population,

1970年佛瑞德退休了,打那以后他们一直居住在塞勒姆市。He retired in 1970, and they have lived in Salem since then.

今天,萨勒姆曾经不光彩的女巫审判却催生了本地的旅游业。Today, the Salem witch trials drive the town’s tourist trade.

Salem说许多这样的地区的生态系统脆弱。Salem said that many of these regions have fragile ecosystems.

在撒冷有他的帐幕,在锡安有他的居所。In Salem also is his tabernacle, and his dwelling place in Zion.

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塞勒姆•艾尔•马洪在利比亚被卡扎菲上校的军队所逮捕。Salem al-Madhoun was arrested by Col. Qaddafi's forces in Libya.

年复一年,他在塞勒姆平静而单调的渡过青年时代。Year after year of his young manhood went by quietly and drably in Salem.

日落时分,年轻的古德曼·布朗出现在塞勒姆村的大街上。Young Goodman Brown came forth at sunset into the street of Salem village.

事实上,彼时的萨勒姆已将成为反对奴隶制运动的重要中心。For its part, Salem would become an important center of antislavery activism.

星期四天黑以后,他溜达着去了塞勒姆街,躲了起来。After dark on Thursday might he made his way to Salem Crescent, and hid himself.

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1692年到1693年,在马萨诸塞殖民地发生了萨勒姆巫蛊案。The Salem witch trials occurred in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693.

为了与自己的亲戚离得更近一些,苏努努一家不久前刚刚从位于新罕布什尔州东南部的塞勒姆镇搬到了汉普顿福尔斯。The Sununus recently moved from Salem to Hampton Falls to be closer to relatives.

我知道这个在十七世纪和我们国家的赛伦非常流行。We know this famously in the seventeenth century and in our own country at Salem.