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他的这段道白激起了我的研究兴趣。His monologue stirred my inner anthropologist.

那是人类学家的研究领域That's one for an anthropologist to figure out.

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我是一个人类学家,受过专业训练。I am an anthropologist, a costly trained anthropologist.

一位人类学家写了一部关于这些寓言的专着。An anthropologist wrote a treatise on some of these fables.

巴利欧斯先生是一位历史学家,人类学家和研究者。Mr. Barrios is a historian, an anthropologist and investigator.

如同一位人类学家写了一部关于这些寓言的专著。Lile an anthropologist wrote a treatise on some of these fables.

他看似,以人类学家角色写自然演变史。He seems there to be a kind of anthropologist writing a natural history.

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地位的获得可以采取两种形式,同属UBC大学的人类学家乔·海因里希说道。Status can take two forms, says anthropologist Joe Henrich, also at UBC.

为业余人类学家在测量领域寻求轨迹而准备的物品。A must for the amateur anthropologist who seeks to guage the feromonic field.

卡洛•沃斯曼,博士,人类学家,供职于乔治亚州亚特兰大市的埃默里大学Carol Worthman, PhD, an anthropologist at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia

最近,一些人类学家开展了一项有趣的民族学案例研究。Recently some anthropologist conducted an interesting case study in ethnology.

虽然,正如人类学家伊恩-塔特索尔指出的那样,这一切都开始于偶然。Even though, as anthropologist Ian Tattersall points out, it all starts by chance.

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佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿是美国伟大的小说家,民俗家,人文学家。Zora Neale Hurston is a great novelist, folklorist, and anthropologist in America.

这是我作为一名人类学家所理解的----人们喜欢讲述自己的故事。This is something I learned as an anthropologist –people love to tell their stories.

其中一个您可能听过的人是左拉赫斯顿,她是一位人类学者及作家。One that you might have heard of is Zora Neale Hurston, an anthropologist and a writer.

可是流浪,会给你另一种视角,使每个移民都成为人类学家和相对主义者。Exile, however, gives perspective, making every emigrant an anthropologist and relativist.

正如纽约大学的人类学家沙雷-贝利所说,它们简直就是“外部”的牙齿。As anthropologist Shara Bailey at New York University says, they were like "external" teeth.

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英国拉夫堡大学的人类学家巴里·博金对此问题的看法却略有所不同。Anthropologist Barry Bogin of Loughborough University, UK, has a slightly different take on it.

这位人类学家的人道主义立场与联合国教科文组织的宗旨找到了新的共鸣。The humanist stance of the anthropologist and the mission of UNESCO have found a new resonance.

哈佛法学院的人类学家威廉·尤里将这种现象称为“感情投资”。This has been called "emotional capital" by the anthropologist William Ury at Harvard Law School.