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庄子在运用整体性理论时,将之推论到生死的问题上,可是一种大胆的尝试。It is bold try for Chuang Tzu to evolve intactness theory to the level of life and death.

中国古代的哲学家如庄子、老子等,他们重视完整性的道。Chinese philosophers, such as Chuang Tzu and Laotse, took much count of the intactness of Tao.

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因岛礁山体略显单薄,受数条断层及其他构造裂隙的影响,整体完整性较差。The thin mountain intersected by faults and other structural fissures result in low intactness of rock mass.

我们连身体的完整性都要求如此之严,那麽一个人能保持他德性的完整,当然就更重要了。We are so strict with our physical intactness . It is certainly more important that a man to keep his intact virtue.

在城市发展中对文化遗产的保护利用必须考虑到其作为建成环境意义的完整性和原真性保护。We must protect the intactness and the authenticity of the built environment in the course of the development of the city.

古董家具的价值主要取决于年代、材质、稀有性、完整性等。The value of a piece of antique furniture is mainly determined by age, quality of materials, rarity , intactness of the piece, etc.

第十条申请人应当对所提交的文件、资料的真实性、合法性、完整性负责。Article 10 An applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity, legality and intactness of the documents and materials as submitted.

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低应变反射波法检测技术作为一种成熟的桩身完整性检测方法,正在被广泛的应用到工程实践中。Low-strain reflection wave detection is being widely applied to engineering practices as a mature method for checking the intactness of a pile.

通过上述试验,我们认识到对萝卜生长和产量影响很大的一个因素就是生产中叶片的完整和健康生长。From the present results, we found that one of the important factors affecting the growth and yield of radish is the intactness and health of leaf.

健康资源是指所有能促进人的生理、心理和社会认同感等方面完好的各种因素和条件的总和。The health resources refer to the total factors and conditions that can promote the intactness of a person's physiology, mental state and adaptation to society.

外科医师考量到颈椎伸展可能造成脊髓压迫更严重,于是要求我们使用清醒时气管插管,并于插管后确认病人第一颈椎下的运动功能完好。For fear of that the surgeon inclined awake intubation in order that spinal cord intactness could be confirmed by neurological test on the spot after intubation.

编写处理器控制语言程序,结合软件算法模型,解决了板级仿真模型完备性与运行效率的矛盾。The contravention of intactness and operation efficiency in board-level simulating model is figured out by PCL program, associate with software arithmetic model.

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法兰是容器及管道连接中的重要部件,它的作用是通过螺栓和垫片的连接与密封,保证可拆连接处不会发生损坏或泄漏。Flanges are the important parts in the connection of containers and pipes, which ensure the connection integrity and intactness with the bolts and sealing gaskets.

身体权作为一种独立的人格权,包括了维护身体形式上和实质上的完整性和有限制自由支配身体的排他性权利。Body right as an independent dignity right includes the right of defending the formal and practical intactness of governing the body to exclude outsiders with some restrictions.