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工作时间过长。The working hours is overlong.

做你认为你必须做的吧,但别太久。Do what you feel you must, but do not tarry overlong.

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“圣骑士?”高个子的亚比西魔一边用他过长的手指遮着光线一边做出猜测。"Paladin?" guessed the taller abishai, shading his eyes with his overlong knuckles.

瑞士没有海岸,所以要是长途运输就要花很大的资金来购买原材料。Switzerland has no sea coast, so it has to pay heavily to buy materials overlong distance.

但积分时间设置过长,会使CMOS图像传感器的输出帧频大幅度的降低。But the overlong integration time result in the frame rate of CMOS image sensor decreases rapidly.

根据据缩放等级,决定过长的档案名称的一部分要以省略符号替换的字串值。An integer specifying how parts of overlong file names should be replaced by ellipses on the desktop.

过长的版权保护通常会限制,而非促进作品的传播和影响力。And overlong copyrights often limit, rather than encourage, a work's dissemination, impact and influence.

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依据缩放等级,决定过长的档案名称的一部分要以省略符号替换的字串值。A string specifying how parts of overlong file names should be replaced by ellipses, depending on the zoom level.

一开头的小窗口安装令人觉得很麻烦,等待时间太长了。而且有一系列选项设计得很奇怪。A cumbersome front-end and minimal, overlong loading screens hinder it, as do a series of other strange design choices.

然而,由于运行工况及气候的影响,难以求取换流器及长距离高压架空线路在音频带内的动态数学模型。It is difficult to obtain the dynamic models of converters, overlong overhead HVDC lines and passive filters in audio frequency.

抗生素使用不合理的现象主要表现在给药时机不当及用药时间过长。Irrational phenomenons in the use of antibiotics were unsuitable opportunity for administration and overlong time' use of the drugs.

信件内容应避免混乱、冗长或带有攻击性,尽量以客气、友好和不拘的形式书写,而且应简洁,目的明确。Don't write confused, overlong or pointed letters and try to be polite, friendly and informal to write concise and purposeful letters.

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正如很多人注意到的那样,把佩林放上选票使得2008年已然为时过长的选举运动变得更加有趣。As many people have noted, placing Palin on the ticket has made these final months of the already overlong 2008 campaign much more interesting.

大柱网、大跨度超长无梁楼盖板柱结构由于其经济性、功能性的优势而受到越来越广泛的重视。Large column space and overlong frame girderless structures receive more adoption because of the advantage in terms of economy and multifunction.

由于钢包烘烤周期太长,以至钢包周转不开,成为制约钢厂创效的瓶颈。In recent years, Chinese steelmaking industry was developed quickly. But the ladle bake cycle is overlong , it leads to the ladle can not turnaround.

最后,本文对进一步工作的方向进行了简要的讨论,并提出了一种研究超长结构开裂问题的新思路。In the finality, the problems requiring further studies are discussed, including a new idea for dealing with structural cracks of overlong structures.

此外,在很多情况下,刀口到待检非球面的距离很长,从而降低了刀口检验精度。Besides, in most cases the overlong distance from knife edge to the aspheric surface to be tested will decrease the precision of the knife-edge testing.

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为确保公路路基特长箱涵顶进施工的顺利完成,施工中对其进行有效的监控是十分必要的。To make sure of the achievement of the overlong box culvert jacking in highway embankment, it is very necessary to monitor the construction effectively.

对某超长转换结构进行了无缝设计,采取了箱形梁转换形式,框支转换梁采用了有粘结预应力技术。Jointless design method is used for an overlong transfer structure. The box section transfer beams are chosen, and the technique of prestressed concrete with bond is used.

基于现有冲突分析理论提供的冲突解决方案在解的质量及冲突分析中局中人意愿的充分体现方面存在一定的缺陷。The solutions provided by current conflict theory, to some extent, have the weakness such as inferior solution, not be acceptable by each party or overlong settling period.