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现在上帝的选民终于进入了Now eventually the elect come in.

你可以选我,或者谁也不选。You may elect me, or elect nobody.

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世界第一超级大国,命中注定。The World's number 1 super-power, elect.

我想接擆刚才的问题讲下去。I will elect up where we left off just now.

同时50个州中的36个州也要选举州长。Also 36 of the 50 states will elect governors.

取而代之的是,股东投票选举出董事会。Instead, they vote to elect a board ofdirectors.

下一级人民政府及其领导人员。To elect the new leading personnel of the state.

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选举和撤换酋长的权利。The right to elect chieftains and to depose them.

国会由阿塞拜疆的人民选举产生。The people of Azerbaijan elect the National Assembly.

红衣主教团举行了秘密会议来选举新教皇。A conclave of cardinals was held to elect the new Pope.

圣礼是所有受礼者的记号,是被拣选者的印记。The sacraments are signs to all and seals to the elect.

国会议员也是从每区一票的选举中选出的。We also elect congressmen from single-member districts.

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国会议员也是从每区一票的选举中选出的。We also elect congress men from single-member districts.

投弃权票后能否另选他人?。Can the voter elect someone else after he or she abstains?

一年级学生可选修法语、西班牙语或德语。First-year students may elect French, Spanish, or German.

选举中央纪律检查委员会。To elect the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

我们选总统,不能保证没张投票都作数。We can't even elect a president and have every vote count.

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这就是为什么你们为选出一个民主党国会如此努力工作。That is why you worked so hard to elect a Democratic Congress.

人民每五年选举一次总统。The people elect the president for a five-year term of office.

我一直不明白美国会不会对法官实行选举制。I never understood how certain bits of the US elect the judges.