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最令人惊叹同时也是Here's the marvelous thing.

这儿的秋天真美。The autumn's marvelous here.

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那真是一场精彩的音乐会!Wasn't it a marvelous CONCERT!

缠“哦,是世界上最marvelous王!Oh, the world's most marvelous king!

这本书我觉得奥妙之至。It seems to me a most marvelous book.

祝一个了不起的朋友生日快乐!Happy birthday to a marvelous friend.

伊萨卡给了你美丽的旅程。Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey.

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我刚刚看了一部精彩的功夫片。I've just seen a marvelous Kungfu movie.

然后他欣赏起这妙极的演出来。Then he enjoyed the marvelous performance.

全天然野生植物,了不起的口味。Purely natural wild plants taste marvelous.

多么平静奇丽的国度呀!How pegeniusful and marvelous the country is!

他爬了那么远,真令人不可思议。It's marvelous how he's managed to climb that far.

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缝纫机是个多么了不起的发明啊!What a marvelous invention the sewing-machine was!

显著的失败的结果,反是希奇的胜利。This apparent defeat resulted in a marvelous victory.

我这样跑过,自我感觉好极了。I did this one day, and felt masochistically marvelous.

这位谱曲家以他杰出的对位旋律而闻名。The composer is famous for his marvelous counterpoints.

在你们世界蒸蒸上演的,是令人惊异的一幕。What is transpiring on your world is marvelous to watch!

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是的,我是这样想的。我觉得伦敦的地铁棒极了。Yes, I do. I think the London Under-ground is marvelous.

你们可以从这首诗的非凡特点中看出。You can feel it in the marvelous texture of this poetry.

第一天上班,极热烈的欢迎会正等待着我。A marvelous reception awaited me on my first day at work.