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黄约翰光盘,开始著名的血统。Yellow John ROM, to start the famous bloodline.

他的儿子凯尔萨斯王子是这个皇家血统的最后血脉。His son is the only remaining survivor of the royal bloodline.

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除了一些地处偏僻的部落,这个世界上的人们还真没什么纯血之说。Except for that odd tribe. Is world is not pure anything in bloodline.

很快他发现这是一条穷凶极险的不归路,他该选择保护朋友还是保住自己呢?Soon, Danny is forced to choose between his friends and his bloodline.

原力在他家族的血脉中流淌,令他获得超群的技艺。His skill was bolstered by an affinity for the Force flowing through his bloodline.

前方数十次搏斗在等待着,也许100个交配机会都是为了他的血统而存在。Ahead lie dozens of fights, and perhaps 100 matings all for the sake of his bloodline.

尽管我出生在内蒙古,但是我的血统属于东北。Although for that reason I was born in Inner Mongolia , my bloodline belongs to Dongbei.

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另一些人并不确定这一特定的基因链在种系的流传是否瘩杨了下来。Others were not so sure that particular DNA strand survived in their familial bloodline.

如果你和这个血统没有关系,你是没法当总统的。You will not be an American president unless you are linked and a part of this bloodline.

所以,他们需要这个血统,不管人们是否相信,这是真的。So, they got this bloodline going on and whether people believe it or not, it's very real.

瑟鲍思的代表团宣布奥加纳家族是总督头衔的合法继承人。C'baoth's delegation decreed that the Organa bloodline was the rightful heir to the viceroy title.

被美国士兵海量使用的避孕套对法国纯正血统的改良造成了影响。Sadly, widespread use of condoms by American forces forestalls any improvement in the French bloodline.

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它是搜寻。我有旅行在全这一个世界,也许甚至较多的超过任何的其他我的血统。It is the search. I have traveled all over this world, perhaps even more than any other of my bloodline.

在重逢时,她发现她的家庭的确是耶苏和抹大拉的玛丽亚的血族。During the reunion, she discovers that her family is, indeed, of the bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

富豪阶级人数不多,几百年来继承了统一的贵族血统。Within a small percentage of the population, wealth has been passed on along the bloodline for hundreds of years.

华夏文化精神的价值指向是血族的“生生”,即指向血族的生存繁衍。The value direction of Chinese cultural spirit refers to the "Continuous development of life"of the Chinese bloodline.

他们很在乎自己的血统和社会地位,为此,终生奋斗来改变生活状况。They care their bloodline and social status very much. Therefore, they spend their lifetime in changing the situation.

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他的选人标准受到球员是否豪门出生的限制,而最终,卡佩罗带队的成绩也将因此受到影响。He is confined to players with the correct birthplace or bloodline and, ultimately, his achievements may be restricted by them.

更何况,联盟军的指挥官正是阿拉希最后的血脉——安度因·洛萨。In particular, the commander of the Alliance forces was Lord Anduin Lothar, who was the last descendent of the Arathi bloodline.

“你并不了解我们,虽然你说我们的语言说的很流利,”齐罗最后说,“他是贾巴的血脉。"You don't understand us, even if you speak our language far better than most realize, " Ziro said at last. "He's Jabba's bloodline.