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长笛四重奏,双簧管,大提琴和大键琴。Quartet for Flute, Oboe, Cello and Harpsichord.

我很欣赏“古键琴演奏会”在纪尾井大厅。I'm entertained by Ton Koopman Harpsichord Recital at Kioi Hall.

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还有19间套房和大键琴套几个变化。There are also 19 harpsichord suites and several variation sets.

几乎无例外,羽管键琴受历史传统的音律调音,音色、和音更加优美。Almost without exception, any harpsichord sounds better in an historic temperament.

1736年法国的哈普西科德,总是装饰有手绘美丽的田园风光。Harpsichord France, 1736 , These are almost always hand painted with beautiful bucolic scenes!

例如,在他们改编的大键琴作品中,两人必须演奏一个人才能正常演奏的东西。For example, in their transcriptions of harpsichord pieces the pair have to play what one person would normally play.

她曾在美国各地和德国演奏过古键琴、管风琴、脚踏古键琴的独奏会,备受好评。She has performed solo recitals on the harpsichord, organ, and pedal harpsichord to critical acclaim throughout the United States and in Germany.

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一件巨大的乐器比如哈普西科德也可以被看做是一件家具,许多琴有独立的外壳和谱架。A large harpsichord is, in a sense, a piece of furniture. Many harpsichords have a lid that can be raised, a cover for the keyboard, and a stand for music.

人们最喜欢用具备明快有力音调的拨弦古钢琴来配合当时小型管弦乐团的低音乐器以及在演奏会上演奏。The harpsichord with its bright, vigorous tone was the favorite instrument for supporting the bass of the small orchestra of the period and for concert use.

巴赫的古钢琴音乐深受其管风琴音乐的影响,某些前奏曲与赋格、组曲中的萨拉班德舞曲常常充满了庄重深刻的宗教精神。Bach's Harpsichord music is deeply affected by his organ music, so some Preludes, Fugues and the Sarabande in his Suites are filled with solemn religion spirit.

据巴赫最早的传记作者Forkel说,巴赫很不情愿在羽管键琴上演奏自己的复调作品。Forkel, one of Bach's earliest biographers, tells us that Bach himself was not too happy whenever he had to perform particularly his polyphonic pieces on the harpsichord.

我喜欢这首歌的编曲,尤其是使用了大键琴与弦乐重奏,并将互不相干的些许蓝调混入巴哈式的和弦走法中。I like the arrangement of the song particularly the use of harpsichord and string quartet mixing irreverently a bit of blues with a very Bach inspired chordal progression.

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弗朗兹-李斯特室内乐团通常由16名管弦乐手组成,并根据曲目额外增添一名羽管键琴乐手。The Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra consists of 16 strings and according to the programmes a harpsichord soloist completes the ensemble, as well as wind and other instrumentalists.

他的初期的键盘作品比较适合羽管键琴,然而到了奏鸣曲K.279-284,丰富的力度变化显然已将羽管键琴排除在外。Whereas his earliest keyboard works are idiomatic to the harpsichord, the plethora of dynamics contained in the sonatas K. 279-284 rule out the harpsichord as the intended instrument.

这部协奏曲通篇都在展示羽管键琴和演奏者的技巧,特别是第一乐章繁长的独奏华彩段。The concerto is well suited throughout to showing off the qualities of a fine harpsichord and the virtuosity of its player, especially in the lengthy solo 'cadenza' to the first movement.

“喝咖啡是最大的的快乐,咖啡,咖啡,它葡萄酒更甜美”,这一段弦乐与羽管键琴交织成活泼的背景,而长笛更为音乐增添了光彩。"Drink coffee is the greatest pleasure, coffee, coffee, it is more sweet", this paragraph string and feather tube harpsichord interweaves lively background music, while flute more added luster.

贝多芬自幼便已显露出他的音乐天分,父亲急于把他培养成为一个像莫扎特那样的神童,从小就把他一人和提琴关在家里,或整天逼在羽管键琴旁边练习。Beethoven was has revealed his music, his father to put his talent cultivating a like Mozart that child prodigy, he was alone and violin at home all day, or force in the harpsichord by practice.