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热带集权国家具有欺骗性。Tropical totalitarianism is deceptive.

他相信,自由的性爱是治疗极权主义的一剂良药。Free sex, he believed, was the best check on totalitarianism.

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曝晒在极权主义辐射之下的人们所承受的压力。The stress of people exposed to the radiation of totalitarianism.

这是政府惯用的手法来抹黑极权主义。Itwas used by the government to discredit totalitarianism in general.

嗯,比如,宗教裁判所可不可以是现代极权主义的真正前身呢?Could the Inquisition be a real predecessor of modern totalitarianism?

它是一种强迫力,我相信有一天它会是极权主义成为不可能。It is a force that I am sure will one day make totalitarianism impossible.

绿皮书就是乌托邦式的极权主义的拙劣预演。The Green Book was an exercise, if a daft one, in utopian totalitarianism.

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20世纪的主题是自由以及与奴隶制度和极权主义作斗争。Freedom and the battles against slavery and totalitarianism dominate the 20th century.

举个例子,想想某个生活舒适的英语教授为俄罗斯的极权主义辩护。Consider for instance some comfortable English professor defending Russian totalitarianism.

为什么我们在社会主义和黑暗的全权主义中越陷越深?Why are we drifting deeper and deeper into socialism and the dark night of totalitarianism?

我认为这与为种族灭绝以及极权主义正名,是同一种思维模式。Well, I think that's the same type of mentality that justifies genocide and totalitarianism.

监视设施可以出口,这也助长了世界上的极权主义。And surveillance infrastructure can be exported, which also aids totalitarianism around the world.

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它在政治上有专制倾向,经济上表现为“国家社会主义”。AS an anti-liberal force, it opts for totalitarianism in politics and national socialism in economics.

它给了政府一个没收大家的东西以及走极权主义路线的借口。It gives gvts an excuse to take all your stuff, and frankly is usually used as an excuse for totalitarianism.

库普钦思科先生是逃过极权主义在西方找到新家园的一代人的象征。Mr Kupchinsky was emblematic of a generation that had escaped totalitarianism and found new homes in the west.

反灵知主义的谱系是复杂的,但是就是在这里我们能够找到极权主义的起源。The genealogy of antignosticism is complex, but there is where the origins of totalitarianism are to be found.

如果沃格林对灵知主义的攻击是为了掩盖极权主义的真正起源的修辞把戏,又会如何呢?What if Voegelin's attacks on Gnosticism were a rhetorical deception to disguise the true origins of totalitarianism?

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全球变暖将定义这个世纪,就像极权和民主之间的斗争定义了上个世纪一样。Global warming will define this century, just as the struggle between totalitarianism and democracy defined the last one.

总之,我确信我在那里的亲身所见至少直接显示出在极权主义下确实是这样的。Nevertheless, I'm convinced that what I observed when I was there myself bears directly on conditions under totalitarianism.

考虑到俄罗斯社会目前的状况,俄罗斯要以任何方式重新回到极权统治的老路上去都是不可能的。"Any kind of turn towards totalitarianism for Russia would be impossible, due to the condition of the Russian society," he said.