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胡锦涛青睐白宫会晤的庄重感。Hu preferred the decorum of the White House.

中国事礼仪之邦,现在我以茶示礼。Now, allow me to show my decorum with a cu of tea.

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我们中国历来都是礼仪之邦,文明之国。We Chinese always own the civilization of decorum.

这当然是为了在比赛中保持风度。This is in keeping with the decorum of the game, of course.

同时他们还要求我们谨尊礼仪。They also reinforced obeisance and decorum in their children.

谦恭有礼,保持工作区域整洁。To maintain porch decorum and upkeep cleanliness of the area.

你的这种叫嚣违反了本法庭的礼仪。You've breached the decorum of my courtroomwith all this hooting.

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我希望所有参加葬礼的人都行为得体。I was hoping that everyone at the funeral would behave with decorum.

我希望你在明天的颁奖典礼上能表现得端庄有礼。I hope you will behave with suitable decorum at the prize-giving tomorrow.

在各种礼节礼仪问题上,你的行为必须对其他人起到表率作用。In all points of decorum _your_ conduct must be law to the rest of the party.

大自然就是最好的礼节你可以好好享受特别的一天。Nature itself is in charge of the best decorum that you can have for your special day.

中国是文明古国,礼仪之邦,很重礼节。China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum.

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Dulce,et,Decorum,Est“是一首伟大的诗,不过欧文所用的讽刺在诗中却是一目了然的。Dulce et Decorum Est" is a great poem but the kind of irony that it puts forward is, I think, a simple one.

这是充满欢乐和感恩的一天,对于游客来说,国会必须是一个体面的、壮观的地方。A day of smiles and thanks, of decorum and pageantry—that's how it must have seemed to the Capitol's visitors.

虽然30岁以下的中国人口头上愉悦地四处甩出“牛屄”,在书面语中还是有些礼节需要考虑。As blithely as under-30 Chinese throw the term around, a little decorum remains when it comes to the written characters.

电影,音乐,或者电视节目,必须保持一定程度的得体才能传播给大众。A motion picture, or music, or television, they have to maintain a certain decorum in order to be broadcast to a vast audience.

学生根据佛教学术机构的要求必须做到行为端正,礼貌待人。Students are required to conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the dignity and decorum expected in a Buddhist academic institution.

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在拉市海流域当地人主要利用云南大白花杜鹃做烧柴,故本种在靠近村落的云南松林中较少见。People in the Lashihai region cut R. decorum as firewood, therefore there is not so many its plants in the pine forests near the villages.

受教育、敬奉宗教,讲究礼节,加上了尊敬长辈,这些都是一个孩子由婴孩时期而发展起来的原动力。Schooling, the reverence for religion, and decorum plus reverence for the elders are the prime movers in developing the child from infancy.

我们生活在一起,非常紧密,可是学校却有那么多的规矩和约束,而我们不过是十几岁的少年,因此,我们隐藏起了自己。We lived together so closely, but because it was a place of decorum and restraint and because on top of that we were teenagers, we hid so much.