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服务器隐含地具有这种权限。The server has this privilege implicitly.

资料夹的锁定是隐含递迴。Locks on folders are implicitly recursive.

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这些绑定可以通过隐式或显式方式定义。These bindings can be implicitly or explicitly defined.

他们希望聘用自己喜欢、并且信任的人。They want to hire people they like and implicitly trust.

数据库的编码页可以隐式或显式地决定。The database code page is either implicitly or explicitly determined.

它可以让编译器隐式地将一种类型转换成另一种类型。It allows types to be implicitly converted to another type by the compiler.

问题在于,寂然的态度不知不觉中助长了剽窃行为的合法性。The trouble is that silence implicitly endorses the legality of plagiarism.

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如果L有显型参数列表,D中的每个参数有着与相应的L中的参数相同的类型和修饰符。If L has an implicitly typed parameter list, D has no ref or out parameters.

在连续开发模型里,可以含蓄地理解成,把流假设成此角色。In a serial model it is implicitly understood which stream assumes this role.

因此,通过不否认,他满足了库尼亚尔的条件并含蓄地确认了这件事情。Thus, by not denying it, he met Cunhal’s condition and implicitly confirmed it.

瑞斯寇拉深深了解他可以将办公室员工变成存活者。Rescorla implicitly understood that he could turn office workers into survivors.

为了加入网络,各个辐条必须隐式信任轮毂。In order to participate in the network, the spokes must implicitly trust the hub.

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即使如此,那些价值也必须在试验之前被明确地或含糊地挑选。Even so, the value must be chosen explicitly or implicitly before the experiments.

携带控制TPDU的分组也要被确认,无论是隐式方式还是显示方式。The packets bearing control TPDUs are also acknowledged, implicitly or explicitly.

在使用隐式列列表时,隐式隐藏列不会被外部化。Implicitly hidden columns are not externalized when implicit column lists are used.

诚然,一些学生懵懵懂懂的沿着这条道路学到一些理性思考的方法。It is true that some students learn some critical thinking implicitly along the way.

你有没有正含蓄、通过不反对地方式对别人的卑劣品质进行宽容。See if you are implicitly condoning someone else's vileness by failing to oppose it.

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当创建路径或当闭合图形时,即隐式开始一个新图形。A new figure is implicitly started when a path is created or when a figure is closed.

隐式创建的模式允许任何用户在同一个模式中创建其他对象。An implicitly created schema allows any user to create other objects in the same schema.

其次,所有定义中都隐含或者明确指出需要一台服务器。Second, a server is either implicitly or explicitly indicated in all of the definitions.