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我可以把这些缝口拆开。I can open the seam.

像为缝隙渡上银。Too silver for a seam.

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侧缝的手口袋。Side seam hand pockets.

我希望有人拆开这条缝。I want the seam unpicked.

复印店。我是希安。Print shop. Seam speaking.

有助于缝纫工的缝制。An overcast stitch or seam.

在缝合处再缝一次。An overhand stitch or seam.

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有助于缝纫工的缝制。An overhand stitch or seam.

他衬衫的衣缝裂开了。His shirt ripped at the seam.

他外套的线缝被撕开了。The seam of his coat is pulled.

他外套的线缝被撕开了。The seam of the coat was pulled.

我把裤子的边缝缝上了。I felled the seam of my trousers.

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封口,扔掉金属箔。Seal seam and ends. Discard foil.

前幅水平缝骨不对称。Front horizontal seam not leveled.

宽端的缝现在应该面朝外。The seam should now be facing out.

嵌条缝是一种装饰缝。The slot seam is a decorative seam.

这是个接缝滚轮我从路易斯那里搞来的。It's a seam roller I got from Lowes.

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侧骨车线太紧或太松。Too tight or too loose at side seam.

别担心,只弄破了线缝而已。Don't worry, you only ripped the seam.

焊缝不好,请补焊。The seam is not good. Please reweld it.