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上年的植树节,我种了两棵树。Last Arbor Day I planted two trees.

今天是植树节,你有什么打算吗?Today is Arbor Day What are you going to do?

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今天是植树节,你有什麽打算吗?Today is Arbor Day. What are you going to do?

植树日是起源于内华达洲。The idea for Arbor Day originated in Nebraska.

森林,包括乔木林和竹林。Forest includes arbor forest and bamboo forest.

房屋有阳台、门廊、凉棚和热水浴盆。House with a balcony, porch, arbor and hot tub.

森林,包括乔木林和竹林。Forests include arbor forests and bamboo forests.

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魁刚被俘虏了,并被带到简娜瓒阿博面前。Qui-Gon is captured and taken to Jenna Zan Arbor.

安娜堡市本身就极富吸引力。The town of Ann Arbor is an attraction in itself.

他还有其他的儿子但是没有尝过阿博金的味道。He had other sons but had never tasted Arbor gold.

植物也可以训练成一个有吸引力的乔木。Theplants can alsobetrained into an attractive arbor.

在防风固沙、水土保持、改善生态环境方面有突出作用。Suitablly growing arbor trees are limited in the area.

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东部地区为林木种植适宜区。The East Jilin was a suitable region for arbor planting.

凉棚里的阿姨马上拿伞出去把姐姐拉了进来。The aunt of the arbor will get the umbrella out, come in.

他父亲把他以一壶阿博金的价格卖给瓦利斯大人。His father sold him to Lord Varys for a jug of Arbor gold.

指的就是“tree“是,“arbor“的另一种说法What it suggests is that "tree" is another word for "arbor."

指的就是“tree“是,“arbor“的另一种说法“What it suggests is that "tree" is another word for "arbor."

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后来,其它州也跟进,开始庆祝植树节。Later on, each American state started to celebrate Arbor Day.

来爱博大学就读是我人生中最宝贵的经验之一。Coming to Spring Arbor University is one of my best experiences.

本周我们以位于安阿伯的密西根大学为例。Our example this week is the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.