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我不再要放浪形骸的游乐了。I wanted no more riotous excursions.

圣诞节我们度过了一个狂欢之夜。We spent a riotous night at Christmas.

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独自凭吊已埋葬的火热的一年。I love to grieve for the buried riotous year.

因为您的教诲,我们的世界充满缤纷色彩。Because you teach, our worlds are filled with a riotous color.

他生活极之放荡,大肆挥霍钱财。He recklessly squandered his wealth by the most riotous living.

是什么使我们丰富的校园生活渐退了缤纷的色彩呢?BE what make the campus life that we enrich back a riotous color gradually?

为了镇压罢工,老板们派出一队防暴纠察。To put down the strike, the bosses hae sent out a troop of riotous pickets.

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他找到了懂得用狂欢来冲淡战争的严酷的志趣相投的军官。He found congenial officers who knew how to leaven war's rigours with riotous enjoyment.

他永远会做他原来做不到的的事情,敢作敢为,获得缤纷。He forever can handle he cannot achieve originally the matter, resolute, obtains riotous.

但虽然如此她还是可以听到喧哗,和Comus混乱的嬉戏和他狂闹的随从。But nonetheless she can hear the riot and ill-managed merriment of Comus and his riotous crew.

您一定看过youtube上的关于把曼妥思糖加入健怡可乐的奇妙景象的影片。You've seen the YouTube clips demonstrating the riotous effect of dropping Mentos into Diet Coke.

打架、斗殴、赌博、酗酒、闹事,学生在校期间不准打麻将。Fighting, gambling, excessive drinking, riotous gathering, playing mahjong are forbidden on campus.

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女人的时尚、女人的香奈儿精神,让这个世界更加美丽缤纷,我爱双C!Chemisette vogue, chemisette Chanel spirit, make this world more beautiful riotous , my love double C!

街头掀起了狂欢的庆典,但也许没有人能比那些穿着制服的军人、护士们更感到解脱。Riotous celebrations erupted in the streets, but perhaps none were more relieved than those in uniform.

感受芳草鲜美,落英缤纷,你的心情一定会变得非常多彩。Taste the fresh and fragrant grass and appreciate fallen petals in riotous profusion will bring you a good mood.

黑夜的秋雨还在淅淅沥沥地下着,在五颜六色的霓虹映衬下,散发着让人迷失的魅力。The rain is still intermittent underground, in be riotous with colour neon Burwell, exudes people lost the charm.

因为这里到处都是五颜六色的头上风景,棕黄白黑灰,长短卷烫秃。Because there is no be riotous with colour on the head of the scenery, brown white black ash, hot roll bald length.

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开学第一天,当老师点名念到“博托·博托!”The entire class, including Carmen Elcira, broke into riotous laughter on the first day of school when the teacher called roll.

容忍这些人并不比容忍一等舱那些愚蠢的旅客和闹翻了天的年轻人容易。He did not want them. He could not stand them any more than he could stand the stupid first-cabin passengers and the riotous young people.

尽管这场庆祝考试结束的派对换了新的地点,学生们仍然身穿颜色鲜艳的上衣和比基尼来参加,还在派对上玩放纵的饮酒游戏。But despite the new venue the end-of-exams celebration followed the same format with a blazers and bikini theme, and riotous drinking games.