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西蒙•蒂格注视着电脑上的雷达图像,叹息着。Simon Teague eyed the radar image on his computer and groaned.

贾森·蒂格将不经历流星雨之后幸存。It sounds like Jason Teague will not survive the meteor shower.

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艾伦?布鲁克和洛伦?蒂格两位作家合写的一本书不久即将问世。Alan Brooker and Loren Teague are au-thors who have a book due out soon.

和他们一起有一个叫做安维娜提歌的陌生的年轻女人。In their company was a strange young woman by the name of Anveena Teague.

队长蒂格“这面看起来它已经到了青春之泉?”"CAPTAIN TEAGUE "Does this face look like it's been to the fountain of youth?

我告诉她有关电子图书的事情时,她只是茫然地看着我,蒂格大笑着说。When I told her about them, she just looked at me blankly, says Teague , laughing.

蒂格还遇到这样一些反应,正如她在家乡纳尔逊的图书馆员那里得到的反应。Teague still meets responses such as that of the librarian in her home town of Nelson.

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不过,布鲁克将从出售的每本电子书中得到35%的收入,蒂格将得到30%。Instead, Brooker will get 35 per cent of each e-book sold, and Teague will get 30 per cent.

在坟内,一个棺材里面,躺着一个提琴手和一个弱智男孩儿,他们是被蒂格的邦联家园卫队所杀害。In it, sharing one coffin, lie a fiddler and a retarded boy killed by Teague 's Confederate Home Guard.

“不,在场上他不怎么说垃圾话,”蒂格回答道,“昨天我尝试跟他说垃圾话,但他真的没有说什么。"No, He did not speak rudely on the field, " Teague replied, "Yesterday I tried to trash talking with him, but he really did not say anything.

要提出他的血糖水平,爱尔兰人在取决于低点水平是如何的瓶子中拿葡萄糖平板或者液体、小糖果棒或者汁.爱尔兰人每天采取两个胰岛素注入。To bring up his blood-sugar level, Teague takes glucose tablets or liquid, small candy bars or juice in bottles depending on how low the level is. Teague takes two insulin injections each day.