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害虫开玩笑。Pest jests.

^他是个害人精。He's a pest.

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那不听话的男孩令人讨厌。That disobedient boy is a pest.

大豆害虫,螟蛾科。Soybean pests, pest moth division.

这座桥连结布达和佩斯。The bridge connects Buda and Pest.

采取有效的灭蚊蝇、蟑螂等虫害措施。I . Measures of pest control taken.

我们之中有一个悲观的害人精。A pessimistic pest exists amidst us.

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但是我认为它是一个有害之物和一个次铸损。But I think it is a pest and a time waster.

本周,不要制造麻烦,不要惹人讨厌。Don't be a pest or a troublemaker this week.

梨瘿蚊是为害梨树芽、叶的重要害虫。Dasyneura pyri was an important pest of pear.

曲纹稻弄蝶是竹子害虫之一。The Parnara ganga Evans is a pest of bamboos.

我是一个讨厌的东西,一个累赘,和一个祸害。I was a nuisance, an incumbrance , and a pest.

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同时,探索了松实小卷蛾的室内饲养方法。Meanwhile, lab rearing of the pest was tested.

本文还提出了次黄筒天牛的防治方法。The control method of the pest is also proposed.

另一方面,你也不想惹人烦。On the other hand, you don't want to become a pest.

化学防治能在病虫害防治中起到主要作用。Chemical control will do most of things in pest control.

防治虫鼠人员在花槽放置鼠药,杜绝鼠患。Flower beds receive attention from a pest control worker.

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天然精油驱蚤颈圈的功能?What is the function of Ohh! Natural Pest Control Collar?

Bt棉花把这种害虫的数量减少到了原来的百万分之一。Bt cotton had reduced the pest population one-million-fold.

谁就不能哪一个苍蝇拍去把那个害虫搞死吗?Can't some one take a flyswatter and get ride of that pest?