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你别太激动了,路易莎。Don't agitate yourself, Louisa.

告诉他不必自寻烦恼。Tell him not to agitate himself.

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某些活动会不会使你激动起来呢?Do certain activities agitate you?

这句话似乎激怒了她的客人。This remark seemed to agitate her guest.

您看见孩子,会兴奋,会影响您的身体。The sight of your child would agitate you and do you harm.

那些就是他们准备鼓吹的改革。These were reforms for which they were prepared to agitate.

并鼓动村里人上演“捉奸”的闹剧。And agitate village person is performed " catch evil " farce.

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当这种压力形成时,构造震动会引起岩浆室的激荡。As that pressure builds, tectonic tremors can agitate chambers.

搅动和摇动涂料样品以保证统一的温度和密度。Stir or agitate the coating sample to assure uniform temperature and density.

整个谈判从一开始就被雅虎搅得一团糟。Whole negotiation from be gotten by Yahoo agitate at the beginning imbroglio.

将粉末倒入溶液并摇动,真到粉末溶解。Pour the powder into the solution and agitate it until the powder has dissolved.

其他有野心的员工会被立即激怒,因此也要求涨工资。The other ambitious members of your staff will immediately agitate for raises as well.

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爱情抒怀诗的主题不知不觉已开始在他脑子里活跃。Without deliberately thinking about it, MOTIFS for love-lyrics began to agitate his brain.

先将冰淇淋粉倒入器皿中,加入温水或凉水,不停地搅匀混合。First will ice-cream powder into a container, add warm or cold water, constantly agitate mix.

轰鸣的引擎搅起团团的乱流,将身后的航班推入颠簸不已的惧怕之中。Since plangent engine agitate all round flow in disorder, push the flight number behind jolt unceasingly in fear.

届时,像艾伦·福朗瑟斯一样的人们将会因书中诊断词条的数量和缩减余地而忧虑。In the meantime, people like Allen Frances will agitate for the number of diagnoses and their scope to be reduced.

这是一个由一群摇摇晃晃的冬眠雪人组成的族群,雪人们轮流把人们背到背上,然后不停的乱跳,看看谁能坚持更长的时间。They agitate a family of hibernating yeti, and then take turns jumping on their backs to see who can ride the longest.

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如果印度不挑衅中国和不被美国当做对抗中国的马前卒,中国为什么要攻击印度?If India does not agitate China and not be utilized by USA as a front runner against China, why would China attack India?

与那些在流亡之地表达异议的藏人不同的是,唯色是从中国境内发出的罕见声音。In contrast to Tibetan dissidents who agitate from places of exile, Ms. Woeser's is a rare voice that emanates from China.

有消息称“这简直匪夷所思”,明年夏天,鲁尼还会发布要去曼城的言论。Sources say there "is absolutely no chance" Rooney will agitate for a move from Old Trafford to Eastlands again next summer.