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我只是个被娇惯坏了的西方人,一个没有主见的人。I am just a pampered Western wuss.

她不肯意被人家贴标签是有钱人家娇生惯养的令媛年夜蜜斯。She doesn't want to be labeled as a pampered rich girl.

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那里住着一个饭来张口的贵人,它名叫王子。There lived a pampered personage by the name of Prince.

这就是为什么主人这样娇养他,并用这样大量喂他吃丰盛的食物。That's why he is being pampered and fed in such rich fashion.

我想我需要花点时间放放松,享受一下天下美食。I think I need to spend some time relaxing and getting pampered.

如果说利比亚人是在政治上受压迫,那么这些人是在经济上受纵容。If Libyans were politically oppressed, they were economically pampered.

在欧洲,唯有意大利人会如此鄙视自己国家养尊处优的政客。Few Europeans despise their pampered politicians as much as Italians do.

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对于野生种子来说这是合理的,但是对于人工培育的品种却是无益的。That is sensible for a wild seed, but unnecessary for a pampered cultivar.

她像那些富有而娇气十足的女孩子一样,认为有佣人是理所当然的。She took servants for granted after the fashion of wealthy and pampered girls.

她也像那些被宠坏的富家女一样把什么都不当回事。She took everything for granted after the fashion of wealthy and pampered girls.

而这位“小皇帝”与北京的那些吃得过胖的同名者可不一样。This 'little emperor' is very different from his pampered namesakes back in Beijing.

而且,我老婆认为,孩子自己带就可以了,不必搞的太娇贵。Moreover, my wife believes that children can bring their own, and do not engage in too pampered.

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第一是最近的研究表明,更宠爱宠物的是,智能不足,它的可能。The first is that recent studies show that the more pampered a pet is, the less intelligent it's likely to be.

模特也会在会所内读杂志、查邮件、换衣服、吃些点心或饱餐一顿。They also use the lounge to read magazines, check e-mails, change their clothes, have a snack or get pampered.

她是两姊妹中年幼的一个,父亲是一位极富慈爱心人,对女儿无比娇惯溺爱。She was the junior one of the two sisters. As a man of loving-kindness, her father pampered his daughters a lot.

在现在舒适的生活中,腊肠仍然保持着原始能得捕猎本性。Even dachshunds who are abundantly pampered with modern day amenities still maintain this innate hunting instinct.

都市白领近年来虽然以两位数快速增长,也坦言担心奖金缩水和降薪。Urban white-collar workers, for years pampered by double-digit growth, speak of shrinking bonuses and frozen wages.

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来吧,如果母亲现在有点饮食过量,为什么还要她忙这忙那呢?Come on, now, if Mom is supposed to feel pampered on this one day of the year, why should she have to pick anything up?

很多人第一次尝到了伺候人的滋味,原来自己小时候都是由保姆换的尿布啊。Many are getting their first taste of domestic work after spending their childhoods being pampered by their own nannies.

部分原因可以归结为“独生子女”一代的出生,这些孩子都被他们的父母惯坏了。This is partly attributed to the birth of a generation of “only children”, who are quite pampered and spoiled by their parents.