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一个发情检测工具。A heat detection tool.

非常高的查杀率。Really great detection rate.

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什么是偏差检测?What is deviation detection?

卵黄抗体热稳定性检测。Detection of IgY thermal stability.

我们主要的探测装置是声波定位仪。Our main detection device is sonar.

自动检测和交换的例子Automatic detection and switch example

可依检测报告逐一检查对照。Follow detection report check control.

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阴离子的检出限为0。The detection limits of cations were 0.

对敏感词的监测就意味着自动删除。Their detection means automatic deletion.

侦破发生在210纳米的紫外线。The detection takes place by UV at 210 nm.

人脸检测领域经典的Haar人脸检测。Face Detection classic Haar face detection.

他的罪行许多年都未被发觉。His crime escaped detection for many years.

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布赫继电器使用两种探测模式。The relay has two different detection modes.

好,现在碰撞检测可以起作用了。And that's it, collision detection works now.

该工具还执行死锁检测。The utility also performs deadlock detection.

命令设置和音调序列检测Setup of command and detection of tonal sequence

她说,“所以我是早期检测的直接受益人。So I am a direct beneficiary of early detection.

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火灾探测和警报系统通知器单位。Fire detection and alarm system annunciator unit.

提供软件故障自动检测Providing automatic detection of software failure

那么究竟什么是入侵检测系统?So what is an intrusion detection system, anyway?