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这是一种全新的尝试。This is a kind of brandnew probe.

探头装置是密封的。The probe unit is hermetically sealed.

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探针原子化法是一种新技术。The probe atomization is a new technique.

每个都是过程引擎中它自己的探测器。Each is its own probe into the process engine.

参见染色体涂染探针。Painting probe --- See chromosome painting probe.

类似的影响在二次探测中也存在。A similar effect occurs using the quadratic probe.

政府发起对电信运营商高管的反腐调查。China launches probe into alleged graft at telcos.

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使用断点暂停程序的执行以便检查状态。Use breakpoints to pause execution to probe state.

目的探讨肉芽创面的修复方法。Objective To probe the repair of granulation wound.

探测是一个惟一的四元组,如下所示Probe is made of unique four tuples, as shown below

可以探测静态和非静态函数。You may probe both static and non-static functions.

那无穷的真理,让我苦苦地求索、追随。Its infinite truth lets me probe and follow it hard.

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智能手机和探头总共重量约为13盎司左右。Together, the phone and probe weigh about 13 ounces.

你们会重新对王室血案展开调查吗?Will you re-open the probe into the palace killings?

将需要定标的探头连接到血流仪上。Plug the probe to be calibrated into the probe input.

尽管在进行腐败案的调查,中国继续发展高速铁路China to grow high-speed rail despite corruption probe

本文介绍了一种新型的VISAR探头,它具有接收效率高和景深可调的优点。A new design of VISAR probe is presented in this paper.

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登月舱的右舷防陷垫和联络探测器。The lunar module's starboard footpad and contact probe.

这意味着你需要运行代码区域探针。This means that you need to run the code coverage probe.

右为成年人卵圆孔未闭的探查。At the right is a probe patent foramen ovale in an adult.