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烧的鱼糊了。The fish is burning.

大地将烧尽!Burning up the earth!

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为了燃烧之刃!For the burning Blade!

香慢慢地燃着。Incense burning slowly.

贝瑞尼丝的燃烧的头发。Berenice's burning hair.

永远不要去拍尿急的狗。Never pet a burning dog.

在某个流火的正午干涸!Some burning noon go dry!

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粥熬糊了。It's the porridge burning.

被骄阳灼痛的眼睛,流泪了。By sun burning eyes, tears.

哥里市附近燃烧的森林。Burning forest next to Gori.

他妒火中烧。He is burning with jealousy.

“火烧人”到底是什么呢?What exactly is Burning Man?

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他觉得脸上热辣辣的。He felt his face was burning.

他因跑步而十分疲倦。His running is burning him up.

我闻见什么东西烧焦了。I can smell something burning.

我闻出有东西烧焦的味。I can sniff something burning.

她闻到一种烧糊东西的味。She caught a smell of burning.

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炉火炽烈。The stove is burning fiercely.

虎皮辣椒烧茄子。Tiger burning pepper eggplant.

距离避免飞蛾扑火。Distance avoids us fast burning.