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你可以叫我小艾。And you can call me Taffy.

既然你有像婴儿大腿一样白的糖果…Lf you have taffy white as a baby ' s thigh..

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我保证,那比吃太妃糖有趣的多。Lt's more fun than a taffy pull, l promise you.

然后将这根棒加热并像太妃糖一样被拉成一根纤维。The rod is then heated and pulled like taffy into a fiber.

然后将这根棒加热并像太妃糖一样被拉成一根纤维。The rod is then heated and pulled like taffy into a fiber.

我想我宁愿到糖果屋去买一些枫糖味的太妃糖。I think I'd rather head over to the sugar shack for some maple taffy.

咸水太妃糖尽管它即不含盐业不含水,但仍十分可口…Salt water taffy Delicious even though they contain neither salt nor water 77.

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1964年,一次学校入学考试中,有道问题是关于太妃糖的组成成分的。In 1964 a school entrance exam contained a question about the ingredients in taffy.

肠子里有“太妃糖”的那个小孩在四岁的时候就接受了去除手术。The boy who had the "' taffy -like' trail" was just 4 when he underwent the removal procedure.

研究人员们推测,物质因受到挤压太妃糖似的猛烈作用而延伸并使磁场得到增强。Researchers speculate that turbulent matter expanded and strengthened the magnetic fields by pulling them like taffy.

不过,不管你喜爱的是哪种糖果,巧克力、吉利豆、甘草糖、乳脂糖还是昆虫糖,糖果总能给你每天的生活增加一丝甜蜜。But whatever your weakness, be it chocolate, jelly beans, licorice, taffy or worms, candy adds a bit of sweetness to the everyday.

口感圆润甘醇,带有馥郁的果香,还透出肉桂、奶油太妃糖和甘草的香味。Mouthfeel is fruity Gan Chun, contain fragrant fruit sweet, still give the sweet smell of Taffy of cinnamonic , butter and licorice fully.

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在影像左上方,有一个星系似乎发生爆炸,分裂成很多小碎片,同时在最右方,另一个星系看上去被拉伸成太妃糖一样。On the upper left, a galaxy appears to be breaking up into small pieces, while on the far right, another galaxy appears to be stretched like taffy.

要让石英像太妃糖一样软、足够灌注到模具中的温度只有几十度的范围。The temperature needed to get quartz barely as soft as taffy or frozen chewing gum is only a few dozen degrees short of making quartz liquid enough to pour.

BOLS奶油威士忌是一款真正具有奶油焦糖味,美味的金黄色酒,基本由盐水太妃糖和香料配制而成。BOLS Butterscotch is a delicious golden coloured liqueur with the real flavour of butterscotch caramel, underpinned by elements of saltwater taffy and spices.

海上的空气是过敏好,你可以找到一些伟大的盐水太妃糖那里,以便更好地照顾您的健康照顾好,而你这个地方挂起。The sea air is great for allergies, and you can find some great salt water taffy there, so better take good care of your health while you hang around this place.

这个漩涡星系将不可避免的被像太妃糖一样拉长,最后被那一对椭圆星系吞掉,而这将触发一场恒星诞生烈火风暴。It is the fate of thespiral galaxy to be pulled like taffy and then swallowed by the pair ofelliptical galaxies, which will trigger a firestorm of new stellarcreation.

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这个漩涡星系将不可避免的被像太妃糖一样拉长,最后被那一对椭圆星系吞掉,而这将触发一场恒星诞生烈火风暴。It is the fate of the spiral galaxy to be pulled like taffy and then swallowed by the pair of elliptical galaxies, which will trigger a firestorm of new stellar creation.

冰糖葫芦是中国传统美食,它是将野果用竹签串成串后蘸上麦芽糖稀,糖稀遇风迅速变硬。Sugar-coated haws is a traditional Chinese food, it is the string of wild fruit clusters with the bamboo stick dipped after the maltose thin, taffy case of wind quickly harden.

但是当土壤液化时,例如密西西比河流域的泥土和美国东半部那些像太妃糖一样被拉开的岩层,距离测量是不准的。But where there is liquefaction, such as in the mud in the Mississippi Valley and all the rock layers pulled like taffy in the eastern half of the US, the distance measure is skewed.