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啊,把我抛向爱的深渊吧——拔除Oh plunge me deep in love -- put out

或考虑下汽车销售的大幅下降。Or consider the plunge in auto sales.

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我女朋友和我豁出去了。My girlfriend and I are taking the plunge.

退婚后投河自杀的淹死鬼。Suicide plunge back drowned ghost marriage.

他跑到湖边,跳进水里。He ran to the edge of the lake and plunge in.

你是说,让我不管三七二十一,跳进海里就好了?But sometimes you just have to take the plunge.

他想要单刀直入,劝告她。He wanted to plunge in and expostulate with her.

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毫无疑问,石油工人选择跳海。Unsurprisingly, the oil workers take the plunge.

别冒冒失失地撞进别人的房间。Don't plunge head first into another person's room.

我们听到人们的击水声和跳水声。We heard the slap and plunge of people in the water.

壹友贬值的消息,菏票价格就暴跌了。Share plummet or plunge on the news of the devaluation.

对于飞速发展的中国大陆而言,这是一次可怕的衰退。For the revved-up mainland, that's a frightening plunge.

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跳进去,用手抓一把上来。Plunge in, says Ramprasad, and gather up handfuls there!

最后,他们毅然决定结婚。They finally decided to take the plunge and get married.

今天将是我第一次全身心投入的一天,我感到恐惧。Today would be the first time I’d plunge in all the way.

他感动得流下泪来,决心投人新的战斗。Moved to tears, he resolved to plunge into the new battles.

他不愿卷入这种激烈的党争。He was reluctant to plunge into the bitter partisan wrangle.

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他感动得流下泪来,决心投入新的战斗。Moved to tears , he resolved to plunge into the new battles.

很多时候,这种认识将将把他们推进第四阶段。Often times, this realization will plunge them into Phase 4.

此举对经济陷入大萧条起到了巨大的帮助。This helped to plunge the economy into the Great Depression.