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悬崖上凸出一块空地。A shelf of land extended from the escarpment.

在海藻森林的下面是陡峭的悬崖。The face of an escarpment below the kelp forest.

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狐狸钻进了悬崖下面的洞里。The fox went to ground under a rocky escarpment.

一对叽喳乱叫的阿穆尔隼鹰在陡台的一棵橡树上面搭建了自己的巢。A pair of noisy Amur falcons nests in an oak on the escarpment.

卡车沿着赞比西山谷的绝壁缓缓行进。The truck was trundling along the escarpment of the Zambesi valley.

在我们下方,平缓延展的陡坡上是一片被用作牧场的草地,以一排截头柳树作为边界。Down below us, where the escarpment levelled out, was a grassy field used for pasture, bounded by a line of pollarded willows.

但是在随后几天从悬崖处开始如蜗牛爬行般地下行到河滩地时,他们发现了猖獗偷猎的证据。But within days of making the torturously slow descent from the escarpment down to the river basin, they found evidence of rampant poaching.

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但是在随后几天从悬崖处开始如蜗牛爬行般的下行到河滩地时,他们发现了猖獗偷猎的证据。But within days of making the torturously slow descent from the escarpment down to the river basin, they found evidence of rampant poaching.

不久,她走到了那片宽大的斜坡边缘,斜坡下面就是黑荒原谷的大片沃土,现在还隐匿在雾霭里,沉睡在黎明中。In time she reached the edge of the vast escarpment below which stretched the loamy Vale of Blackmoor, now lying misty and still in the dawn.

博物馆高立于森林包围的悬崖上,鸟瞰莱茵河,同时回应着周围这些惊人的古迹。The Arp Museum, sited on a wooded escarpment overlooking the Rhine, is intended to respond to and echo the forms of these captivating relics.

起义者在一堵高墙上很近地瞄准那些在尸体和伤兵间踉跄前进或在陡坡上跌脚绊手的士兵。They were at the top of a wall, and they thundered point-blank upon the soldiers tripping over the dead and wounded and entangled in the escarpment.

偷牛贼经常穿过马拉三角洲进入肯尼亚,爬上悬崖进入当地村庄,偷走大量的牛。Cattle rustlers would regularly enter Kenya through the Triangle, and then go up the escarpment to the local villages and steal great numbers of cattle.

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靠崖式窑洞是先将土坡修铲成与水平线成直角的平面,再在这个人工修造的平面上开凿拱形洞穴,挖出土后,就修造成了居民的窑洞。Cutting side hill or escarpment plumbed, the artificial cross section of the cave to be shaped, it comes into being cave dwelling after excavating inward then.

从阿瓦什的那处远眺点俯视出去,我们还可以看到整个研究区域的西部边缘,那里是悬崖的前陆,属于更古老的史前时代。From that overlook in the Awash, we could also look west, farther into the past to the foothills of the escarpment forming the western margin of the study area.

苔丝没有休息,一口气走完了这道坡上还没有走完的路,到了山崖的边上,她向前面那个她所熟悉的绿色世界望去,只见它在雾霭中半隐半现。Tess went up the remainder of its length without stopping, and on reaching the edge of the escarpment gazed over the familiar green world beyond, now half-veiled in mist.

在“悬崖”大团队培训室,洛克风作品和阿拉斯加天花板形成声学性能是基本训练课程。In the "Escarpment" large group training room, ROCKFON Island products and Alaska ceiling tiles formed into clouds to deliver the acoustic performance essential to training.

这次陨石调查主要沿阵风悬崖南段、中段、北段蓝冰区进行,在上述地区分别发现了41块、2684块、1721块陨石。Blue ice surface of the southern, middle and northern segments of the Gale Escarpment was searched during this exploration, with discovery of 41,2684 and 1721 meteorites, respectively.

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身处于德拉肯斯堡公园,就好像是一个巨人城堡自然保护区,而这个说法得名于德拉肯斯堡公园的山峰和悬崖的轮廓酷似一个熟睡的巨人的侧面。Located within Drakensberg Park is the Giant's Castle Nature Reserve, which gets its name from the silhouette of the peaks and escarpment that resemble the profile of a sleeping giant.

一方面这座房子看起来像是景观中的自然峭壁,而另一方面,通过罗列在建筑前面的粗野的砖柱,它又强化了人造结构的印象。On the one hand the house appears as a natural escarpment in the landscape, while on the other it affirms itself as a man-made structure expressed by the robust brick columns placed in front.

杠柳对土壤水分的适应范围较广,适宜栽植在黄土丘陵区水分较少的阳坡、陡坡。It concluded that the Periploca sepium Bunge, as a alternative shrubbery specie which had wide fitting range of SWC, and could be planted in Loess Plateau especially in the south slope and escarpment.