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可以说,他改变了黎巴嫩什叶派,也改变了黎巴嫩。So we can say that he changed shiah sect in lebanon and lebanon.

什叶派和逊尼派搁置了他们之间的争议共同抗击占领军。The Shiah and the Sunni place their differences aside and fight the occupation army together.

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他已经开始尝试性收编什叶派军队,这对暴乱的逊尼派来说几乎是场灾难。He has begun tentatively tackling the lethal ShiaH militias, now as much a scourge as the Sunni insurgents.

工人们在什叶派圣城卡巴拉是中心挖掘新的输水管道时发现了很多人的尸骨。Workmen digging a new water pipe in the centre of Shiah holy city of Karbala discovered the remains of dozens of people.

在伊拉克北部城市摩苏尔,两起汽车爆炸事件在几分钟之内相继发生,均在什叶派清真寺附近。Two car bombs exploded within minutes of each other in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, both of them near Shiah mosques.

也门北部什叶派反对者称沙特对边界附近的几个村庄发动了炸弹袭击。Shiah rebels in northern Yemen say Saudi Arabia has carried out bombing raids targeting several villages along the border.

自近代以来伊朗民族主义思潮与运动发端之际,伊斯兰教什叶派就构成了影响伊朗社会发展的重要因素。With the beginning of modern Iran's nationalism movement, Islam Shiah gradually became important factor affected social development.

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也门称,如果反叛分子同意停止攻击,他们将停止对国家北部什叶派的军事行动。Yemen says it will suspend its military offensive against Shiah rebels in the north of the country if the rebels agreed to do the same.

示威者响应什叶派政治人物萨德尔的号召,一大早在巴格达东部萨德尔城的穆扎法尔广场聚集。The demonstrator responds the Shiah political figure Sadeer summons, very early east Baghdad Sadr City solemn Zhafaer square accumulation.

游行尽管是由一贯反美的萨德尔派发起,但也有众多逊尼派和什叶派人士参加。The parade is freely distributes by consistent anti-US Sadeer, but also has the numerous sunni sects and the Shiah public figures participates.

这场战争主要会演变为萨达姆的追随者和现政府之间的矛盾斗争,逊尼派和什叶派之间的民族斗争。And it will last long. It will become the conflict betweenSadam's child and the odd government, Further the war betweennations Sunnite and Shiah.

伊拉克迎来了最近几个月来最为血腥的一天,有60人死于一起对巴格达最著名的什叶派穆斯林圣地的攻击中。Iraq has seen one of its bloodiest days in recent month, with 60 people killed in an attack on the most important Shiah Muslim shrine in Baghdad.

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袭击发生在奎达市,临近什叶派穆斯林地区,这起袭击如近几个月发生的多起袭击一样,目标为强硬的逊尼派武装组织。The attack occurred in a Shiah Muslim neighborhood in the city of Quetta, which has been targeted several times in recent months by hardline Sunnite militants.

也门政府在与该国北部什叶派反叛分子之间的冲突中要求停火,但是并未成功。报道称双方之间的冲突仍在继续。A ceasefire called by the Yemeni government in its conflict with Shiah rebels in the north of the country has failed to take hold and fighting is reported to be continuing.

不但萨德尔派反对,伊拉克什叶派执政联盟19日也发表声明,要求对审议中的协议草案部分内容进行修改。Not only the Sadeer faction opposed that the Iraqi Shiah being in power alliance on 19th also issues the statement, requests to consider the draft agreement partial contents to make the revision.