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药房老板拥有一家小店。The druggist owns a small store.

药剂师照药方配了药。The druggist dispensed a prescription.

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他在利明顿是一位小有名气的药剂师。He set himself up as a druggist in Leamington.

第二天早上她去找药剂师。The next morning Morgiana went to the druggist.

丑陋的药剂师将巨大的插头放进毛毯。The ugly druggist put the huge plug in the rug.

丑陋的药剂师挣扎着去拿行李。The ugly druggist struggled to get his luggage.

“我要买些毒药,”她对药贩子说。I want some poison, " she said to the druggist."

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药剂师阿萨·坎德勒在1891年购买了可口可乐公司。Druggist Asa Candler bought The Coca-Cola Company in 1891.

“我不能出于任何原因卖给你”,药剂师说。"I can't sell you any for that reason, " says the druggist.

貌寝的配药师测量了难平易近毛毯中的巨年夜插头。The ugly druggist gauged the huge plug in the refugee's rug.

那个人当然是理亏的,那么药店老板做得对吗?That person is certainly in the wrong. is druggist right to do so?

丈夫即刻就驱车进城质问药剂师,要求得到一个解释。Immediately the husband drove downtown to accost the druggist and demand an apology.

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在布瑞克先生的遗嘱里,他给本地药剂师留下了超过五十万美元的现金和股票。In his will, Mr.Brick left more than half a million dollars in cash and stock to the local druggist.

在布瑞克先生的遗嘱里,他给本地药剂师留下了超过五十万美元的现金和股票。In his will, Mr. Brick left more than half a million dollars in cash and stock to the local druggist.

那个人当然是理亏的,那么药店老板做得对吗?他制止谋杀案的办法你怎么看?That person is certainly in the wrong. is druggist right to do so?Do u think that he he prevent murder?

“美国生活”网站又刊登了亚特兰大药店老板雅各布提供的可口可乐的原始配方。"American Life" website has published a druggist in Atlanta, Coca-Cola provided the original Jacob formula.

老板把一个电咖啡壶插上电源,找了两个杯子,放在一张桌上,桌子的两边各有一把椅子。The druggist plugged in an electric percolator, found two cups and put them on a table that had a chair on either side of it.

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就在他快要讲完的时候,咖啡壶已经煮好了咖啡,药店老板简短地打断他的话,给他俩倒咖啡。Before he had quite finished, the percolator had finished its task and the druggist briefly interrupted to get coffee for them.

第二天她又跑去找同一个药剂师,泪汪汪地向他要一种只有垂死的人才用得着的香精。The next day she went to the same druggist and with tears in her eyes asked for an essence which was given only to a dying person.

雇用写道,他是如何成为成功的文章发表在美国的药剂师和药品的记录在十九十三。Hires wrote about how he became successful in an article published in nineteen thirteen in the American Druggist and Pharmaceutical Record.