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在一个热闹的年轻人聚会上,男孩女孩们开心的庆祝着。At a rollicking youth rally, boys and girls celebrated boisterously.

他让球员们站成一排听他训话,‘现在最好的球队1-2落后。He gave them a rollicking along the lines of, 'The best team is losing 2-1.

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这场喧嚣的冒险可是一点也没受后来令人失望的续集所影响哦。A rollicking adventure that's not dampened one jot by the disappointing sequels.

如果你想拍手,拍手那么,张学友发射了毕加索一系列数字。If you want to clap, clap Then, Jacky launched into a series of rollicking numbers.

在经历了欢娱的2009年后,中国的房地产开发商正准备回到现实中来。After a rollicking 2009, China's property developers are preparing for a return to earth.

它具有欢快的旋律与蓝调的变奏,并由乡村乐器伴奏。It has a rollicking beat and follows bluesy changes, but is played with country instruments.

如果再也回不到童年怎么办呀?就让我们找一天玩得天翻地覆,象从前一样快乐!What should we do when we couldn't go back to childhood? Let's make a day as rollicking as the past!

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就如我上周写道,他的演讲就好象迷人而有趣的旅程,贯穿于他生活中。As I wrote last week, his talk was a riveting and rollicking journey through the lessons of his life.

当生活好像能得到些什么时,我们不能就这样算了。We were rollicking in those sublime early days of marriage when life seems about as good as life can get.

然后你就会了解他,直到她是个好人,如果事情不顺利他就会敲打你。Then when you start to get to know him he is a very nice guy but when things don't go as he planned, he will give you a rollicking.

宗像教授在一个以大英博物馆为背景的刺激的冒险故事的开头惊呼。这是一部漫画,即日本卡通。So exclaimsProfessor Munakata attheoutset of a rollicking adventuresetat the British Museum, intheformof a manga, or Japanese cartoon.

对国家作出杰出贡献的莫蒂默可简而言之为一位对法律持重又带有尖锐,乐见的怀疑的人。Mr Mortimer's great service to his country was to sum up in one person both the weight of the law and a sharp , rollicking scepticism of it.

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毫无疑问,苔丝·德北菲尔德有些身披铠甲的祖先,在他们战斗以后嬉闹着回家的时候,对他们那个时代的农民的女儿们也有过同样的行径,甚至更加粗暴野蛮。Doubtless some of Tess d'Urberville's mailed ancestors rollicking home from a fray had dealt the same measure even more ruthlessly towards peasant girls of their time.

总共81名佳丽参加了这次在泰国举行的选美比赛,她们来自世界各地,如阿尔巴尼亚和津巴布韦。在周二总决赛之前的准备阶段里,她们骑过大象,参观了庙宇还去海啸受灾地区游玩。In all, 81 beauties from Albania to Zambia made it to Thailand, riding elephants, touring temples and rollicking on tsunami-hit beaches in the run-up to Tuesday's finale.

在升压,史蒂夫布鲁尔搅拌在一个洛佩兹小说在偷车贼是好人和他一贯的行动的高犯罪率和低喜剧有力混合物从未停止。In Boost, Steve Brewer stirs up his usual potent mixture of high crime and low comedy in a rollicking novel where car thieves are the good guys and the action never stops.

这种活力遍布于他对喧闹历史的描述,也体现在他天衣无缝地将实践编缀于理论之中。The strength of Mr Bernstein's book is the analytical rigour that overlays the rollicking history and the way in which he seamlessly weaves in the theoretical with the practical.

这边书里相当一部分的观点是以讲故事和戏剧性的手法体现的,是描述对冲基金神秘世界中鲜活角色的给力读物。A fair amount of the book’s promotion has been based on the book’s story-telling and drama, “a rollicking good read” about the “colorful characters” in “the mysterious world of hedge funds.