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普罗米修斯的名字即「深谋远虑」的意思。Plo Michel J is the name of "foresight".

以色列应该与巴勒斯坦解放组织一起缔造和平,战胜哈马斯。Israel should make peace with the PLO and crush Hammas.

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哈亚说,巴解组织已经名存实亡,是那些创立它的人埋葬了它。Hayya said the PLO was dead, sent to the morgue by those who founded it.

巴解组织内部对决议表现出极大失望。The resolution had been received with great disappointment within the PLO.

这个托格鲁塔女孩儿是普洛·孔大师发现的。阿索卡在绝地圣殿长大。Discovered by Master Plo Koon, Ahsoka was a Togruta girl who was raised in the Jedi Temple.

她老爹是游击队员,她的Rap唱的是炸弹和巴解。Her dad is part of a terrorist-branded guerrilla organization and she raps about bombs and the PLO.

我有一个关于阿索卡出身的故事,关于她是怎么被普洛·孔发现的,以及那个小小的传说是什么。I have an Ahsoka origin story on how she gets found by Plo Koon and what that little fable is about.

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9月9日,伊扎克.拉宾打电话给我说,以色列和巴勒斯坦解放组织已达成了一个和平协议。On September 9, Yitzhak Rabin called to tell me that Israel and the PLO had reached a peace agreement.

同样,阿迪·加利亚的战斗机的图案和普罗·孔的一样,这在之前的剧集里可以见到。Likewise, Adi Gallia's fighter has the same pattern as Plo Koon's starfighter, seen in earlier episodes.

因为他知道普罗米修斯不会接受他送的礼物,所以一开始就送给了伊皮米修斯。Because he knew that Plo Michel J would not accept his gift, so he gave it to Ip Michel J at the beginning.

在白宫看来,以色列完全可以继续进攻巴解组织和轰击贝鲁特。In White House eyes, the Israelis could continue their drive against the PLO and the bombardment of Beirut.

现在人们都不大记得,十月战争以前巴勒斯坦解放组织所发挥的作用相对来说是次要的。It is difficult to remember now the relatively marginal role played by the PLO until after the October war.

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目前,巴解组织作为巴勒斯坦人的代表,在联合国具有无投票权的观察员身份。Currently, the PLO as the Palestinian representative at the United Nations with a non-voting observer status.

以色列总理伊扎克拉宾和巴勒斯坦解放组织领导人亚瑟阿拉法特,他们两人都已经同意加入这个会谈。Yitzhak Rabin was the Prime Minister of Israel. Yasser Arafat was the leader of the PLO. Both men had agreed to attend.

科思和委员会同伴普洛·孔前去调查这件事,但绝地委员会与他们失去了联系。Koth and fellow Council-member Plo Koon had investigated the operation, but the Jedi Council had lost contact with them.

巴解官方的立场同国际水法以及“公平合理利用”原则是一致的。The official PLO position is inline with International Water Law and the principle of "Equitable and Reasonable Utilisation".

阿巴斯还表示,与他在哈马斯组织的对手对话是不可能的,除非承认巴解组织至高无上的地位。Abbas also said dialogue with his rivals in the Islamist movement Hamas was impossible unless they recognise the supremacy of the PLO

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令人沮丧的是,哈马斯的崛起和巴解组织的支翼法塔赫的衰退使得维持了数十年之久的趋势逆转。The depressing thing about the rise of Hamas and the decline of the Fatah wing of the PLO is that it reverses this decades-long trend.

把哈马斯和其他伊斯兰团体拉入巴解组织的企图必须要在调和针对以色列的战略分歧。Attempts to integrate Hamas and other Islamist groups into the PLO would have to reconcile deep differences over strategy toward Israel.

基·阿迪·曼迪和普洛·孔的全息影像如同幽灵一般悬浮在他们的长老椅上方的一厘米处,由座位内部的全息投影仪维持着。Ghost-images of Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo Koon hovered a centimeter above their Council seats, maintained by the seats' inter nalholoprojectors.