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小且勇敢似乎足够定义自治区的酿酒师了。Small and plucky seems to define the borough’s distillers so far.

具有奠定了他们的鸡蛋,这些勇敢的鸟脸秃鹫贼鸥和空中的攻击。Having laid their eggs, these plucky birds face airborne attacks from skuas and vultures.

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虽然战败,但是我们的队员依然勇敢地防御他们更高大、更强壮的敌手。Though defeated, our team put up a plucky defense against their taller and huskier opponents.

意志坚强胆量过人和不屈不挠的名声,乃是一种无价之宝。-----C。达尔文。The very reputation of being strong-willed, plucky , and indefatigable is of priceless value. ---C. Darwin.

奥蒂斯生活在跳伞中心,当他不跳伞的时候,常常追飞机玩儿。Plucky Otis lives at the Parachute Center and when he's not flying, he often spends his time chasing airplanes.

提出者史蒂夫?伦纳德跟着运气走,随着一群勇敢的非洲野狗开始了新系列的难以置信的旅途。Presenter Steve Leonard follows the fortunes of a plucky pack of African wild dogs for new series Incredible Journeys.

十五年来,那个一头金发、身穿橙色外衣的热血青年已经成为无数读者的精神支柱。After 15 years, the plucky teen with blonde hair and an orange jumpsuit grew to be a mainstay in the lives of many readers.

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那时它还只是一个大胆的餐饮业创意,现在却已经成为了全球餐饮的领头羊。Back then it was just a plucky little restaurant idea rather than the godfather of the entire global gastro movement it is now.

这头杀人鲸游过来的时候,这只勇敢的鳍足类动物跳上了座头鲸庞大的肋腹部,躲在它的腋窝下。As the killer whales moved in, the plucky pinniped leapt on to the vast ribbed belly of a humpback, and nestled in the animal's armpit.

这里的妇女一般都死了,装饰或两者,虽然我非常喜欢勇敢的代理叶璇现成的行动鲍勃。The women here are generally either dead, ornamental or both, though I liked Michelle Ye as a plucky deputy with a ready-for-action bob.

毕业舞会即将来临,老友宾尼、胆大鸭及一众好友被怂恿“争取机会,邀请美女共舞”。Prom-ise Her Anything – As Prom Night nears , Buster, Plucky and other fellas are encouraged to"take a chance, ask a cutie to the dance."

菲利普。布朗的球队目前在积分榜上处于第19的位置。自从在与联赛领头羊切尔西苦战落败后,胡尔城的状况就一直不太理想。Phil Brown's men currently lie 19th in the table and have struggled since a plucky opening day of the season performance at leaders Chelsea.

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但姆萨巴尼用他勇往直前的精神赢得了游泳迷和媒体的心。那2008年北京奥运会将给世界上其他崇高的失败者爱吗?Moussambani won the hearts of fans and media alike with his plucky attitude . Will Beijing 2008 give the world another noble failure to love?

这是一个从没人想到过的市场。一家日本新兴公司大胆地推出了一种产品,可以使你有机会看到一模一样的自己。Now this is a gap in the market no one had seen before. Plucky Japanese start-up Real-f offers you the chance to 'see yourself' as never before.

随着无止境的谈论信用危机,裁员和削减,数以千计的人有勇气和有希望地申请演出。With endless talk of credit-crunches, redundancies and cut-backs, it may come as no surprise that thousands of plucky hopefuls applied for the show.

这位在2004年就加入球队的28岁的勇士,在球队格拉斯哥之旅之前没有任何畏惧,并且他期待着一场激烈的比赛。The plucky 28-year-old, who joined the Gigliati in 2004, isn't overconfident on the eve of Fiorentina's trip to Glasgow and expects a hostile reception at Ibrox.

赵薇饰演的东吴公主孙尚香,是有勇气有胆色的精灵,也是崭露头角的战士,为电影里战争场景之间带来必不可少的轻喜气氛。Zhao Wei plays East Wu princess Sun Shangxiang, a plucky sprite and budding warrior, adding much-needed comic relief to a film that gets boggy between fight scenes.

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当我船向上游行驶了七八百海里的时候,我已经在白天学习了如何当一个颇为大胆的逆流舵手。By the time we had gone seven or eight hundred miles up the river, I had learned to be a tolerably plucky up-stream steersman, in daylight, and before we reached St.

无论是穿着颜色亮丽的丝袍的勇敢女战士、牡丹花枝叶的背景,还是长城落日的场景都拨动了每一个观众的心弦。It pulled at every populist heartstring, from the plucky woman warrior in a bright silk robe to the backdrops of peony branches and a red sunset over the Great Wall.