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血腥凶残的乌托邦和幻灭的时代产下了混血儿。The hybrid child of a murderous utopia and a disenchanted époque.

最近的严酷现实使她从理想主义的迷梦中清醒过来。The harshness of recent reality disenchanted her of her idealistic hopes.

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当我看到如此多的不公正,我开始感到幻想破灭。"I began to become disenchanted when I saw so much injustice, " she said.

冷酷的日常现实使他从理想主义的幻梦中清醒过来。The harshness of everyday reality disenchanted him of his idealistic hopes.

如今,人们不再对民间机构和政府抱有幻想。These days everyone is disenchanted with civic institutions and government.

最近的民意调查发现,美国选民对共和党和民主党都大失所望。Recent polls find US voters are disenchanted with both Democrats and Republicans.

因此有传闻说这个26岁的小伙子想要结束自己的安菲尔德生涯就好不令人惊讶了。It's no wonder the 26-year-old is rumoured to be disenchanted with life at Anfield.

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加拉在夏天心怀对蓝军的离意去了AWOL。Gallas went AWOL during the summer after growing disenchanted with life at Stamford Bridge.

为规避纠缠,心灰意冷的埃达带着托托和卢伊萨来到南方的亲戚家。In order to dodge entwine, disenchanted eda with Tod and Lou issa came to southern relatives.

实际上,问题应该是,当荷兰从欧元美梦中惊醒之时,要怎么样给欧洲一体化庆生。Indeed, how to celebrate European integration when the Netherlands itself seems so disenchanted with it?

随着时间的推移,当引入新技术时,用户群可能不再为一度十分有用的系统所惑。Over time, a user community may become disenchanted with a once useful system as newer technologies are introduced.

他们不再抱有幻想了,现在很忧虑,这些共和党人,因为他们下台了,他们没有权力了。They're disenchanted and they're worried now, the Republicans, because they're out of office, they're out of power.

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“她呆的时间越长,人们就越来越不会对她抱有幻想,并且看到了以前所没有看到的东西,”格林女士说到。“The longer she stays in, the more people become disenchanted and see something they hadn’t seen before,” Ms. Green said.

“她呆的时间越长,人们就越来越不会对她抱有幻想,并且看到了以前所没有看到的东西,”格林女士说到。“The longer she stays in, the more people become disenchanted and see something they hadn’t seen before, ” Ms. Green said.

我从我的旅行或者对话中了解到土耳其或者其他非西方国家对欧洲已不抱幻想。That Turkey and other non-Western countries are disenchanted with Europe is something I know from my own travels and conversations.

他亲民的风格会吸引那些不再抱幻想的,被许诺的竞选者欺骗的选民。He has a regular-guy style that's very appealing to voters who are disenchanted and disengaged from phonies who make campaign promises.

天秤座在开始时总是乐于应对类似找刺激和使生活更舒适的要求,但很快会对此失去兴趣,慢慢稳定下来。The Libran is always embarking on the quest to find excitement and make life more enjoyable and quickly becomes disenchanted with relationships.

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在一个11年前发生在澳大利亚的案件中,一个为污水处理厂设计控制系统的雇员被解雇,随后他就决定破坏这个系统。In one 11-year-old Australian case, a disenchanted employee of the company that set up the control system at a sewage plant later decided to sabotage it.

因为他们的父亲惨遭失败而感到羞辱,这些叛逆的青少年组织起来在台北郊区的竹林路与其他帮派火拼。Disenchanted by the humiliation of their fathers, the young rebels joined forces to fight other gangs along Bamboo Forest Road on the outskirts of Taipei.

他们都有一个共同的目标,就是将那些对两党倍感失望的中间派成员吸引在一起,对美国的现状进行革新。Deval Patrick, a Democratic pollster, CEOs and college professors — all with the common goal of attracting disenchanted centrists to challenge the Washington status quo.