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那些玩意一毛钱一打。Those are a dime a dozen.

我会为之花出每一分钱。And I pay for every dime of it.

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兄弟,能给我一角钱吗?Brother Can You Spare Me A Dime?

今天,一角硬币买不到什么。Today, a dime does not buy much.

一个五分币今天不值一分钱。A nickel isn't worth a dime today.

他用手在衣袋里摸找一角钱。He felt in his pockets for a dime.

这帮白痴一个钢蹦儿也不能给。These idiots don't deserve a dime.

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如果这一角钱是救命钱呢?If the dime is a life-saving money?

他企图剥夺我们一角钱。He had sought to deprive us of dime.

你能给我把一角钱兑换成两个五分币吗?Can you give me a dime for two nickels?

你已经醉了,你只是一个女酒友。You already got drunk, on your own dime.

另一种流行的商店是“一角钱”商店。Another popular shop is the "dime store".

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十美分。把钱投到票箱里即可。A dime. Just drop your money into the box.

我把我辛苦挣来的所有钱全花在这上面。I spent every dime of my hard-earned money.

奥巴马可以像克林顿一样时来运转。Like Mr Clinton, this man can turn on a dime.

不花一毛钱装饰你的房间。Redecorate your room without spending a dime.

那些网上所谓的批评家,不值钱到一毛钱就能买一打。Those online critics, they’re a dime a dozen.

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不过标准的好好先生仍然不在少数。But standard yes-men are still a dime a dozen.

我要我的一角钱,而且我马上就要。I want my dime back and I want it here and now.

一角钱的空白,将经过两个步骤。A dime blank that will go through two more steps.