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艾德文·巴兹·奥尔德林是登月舱驾驶员。Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin was pilot of the moon lander vehicle.

为了到达火星表面,NASA设想一种空气动力着陆器,用推进器帮助它下降。lander that flies down with thrusters to help it descend.

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2020年,“猎户座”会和“牛郎星”月球着陆装置协同工作。By 2020, Orion will be paired with the lunar lander Altair.

德国的联邦州负责大学的良好运作。The Länder are responsible for the good functioning of the universities.

然后由苏联火星2号着陆器在1971年和海盗号探测器于1976年。Then by the USSR's Mars 2 lander in 1971 and the Viking landers in 1976.

马卡伊侄女尼娜·克罗斯兰德称,海军海豹突击队无法挽救她的姑妈。Markay niece Nina Cross Lander said the Navy SEALs can not save her aunt.

然后载人飞行器和着陆器将连接到一起,并飞向月球。The crew vehicle and the lander will then link up and fly off to the moon.

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进入凤凰号,这是一台2008年初在北极附近登陆的登陆器。Enter Phoenix, a lander that touched down near the North Pole in early 2008.

首先他们解锁月球车的车轮,接着断开着陆器缆绳。First they unlocked the rover wheels, thendisconnected the cable to the lander.

2016年发射的火星气象观测站将会小于现在美国的凤凰号。The 2016 meteorological station would be smaller than the recent US Phoenix lander.

登陆器将研究该降落地点是否能够证明远古生命的存在。The lander will study whether the landing site could have supported primitive life.

于是,登陆器星期六早晨发回图象,显示土粘在铲子上。The lander then transmitted images Saturday morning showing soil stuck in the scoop.

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两者中较大的一个将发射月球着陆器和其它的设备进入地球轨道。The larger of the two will loft the lunar lander and other equipment into Earth orbit.

2006年,航天技术员比利琼斯在检查“凤凰号”火星探测器的机械臂。Spacecraft Technician Billy Jones inspects the Phoenix Mars Lander robotic arm in 2006.

但当美航局选择登陆火星时,这个太空船计划就以流产告终。But when NASA opted for a Mars lander instead, the plans for a space boat were scuttled.

在2008年,美国宇航局的凤凰登陆车发现在火星土壤里发现了叫高氯酸盐化学品。In 2008, NASA's Phoenix lander found chemicals known as perchlorates in the Martian soil.

周六,美国航天局展示了一些似乎是暴露在着陆器下方的冰的清晰图片。NASA on Saturday showed sharp images of what appeared to be ice exposed under the lander.

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把它和类似于以前的着陆器搭配在一起,就可以从月球上返回地球。Pair that with a souped-up lunar lander similar to the original, and you're back on the moon.

换句话说,登陆车向月球进发的时候,可以顺便在地球轨道上丢几颗卫星。In other words, as the lander headed for the Moon, it could drop off a few satellites in orbit.

来自美国亚利桑那大学的行星科学家彼得·史密斯是美宇航局“凤凰”号火星探测任务的首席科学家。Smith, of the University of Arizona, is NASA's chief scientist for the Mars Phoenix lander mission.