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此次阅兵想要向这个惊奇畏惧的世界传达怎样的讯息呢?What message was it meant to convey to an awestruck world?

问题是大多数人对你只是肃然起敬。The problem is that most people are awestruck by your fabulousness.

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那四人不约而同的大声惊呼,脸露敬畏之色。The four exclaimed in unison, with an awestruck look on their faces.

我常常对我小孩的破坏力感到震惊。I am constantly awestruck by the prodigious destructive capacity of my children.

前英格兰国门对这个前锋很敬畏,不光仅仅就他一个球员能感受到。The former England goalkeeper looked awestruck and he wasn't the only player to feel that way.

尤其对于我这样一个来自超级大都市的骑车人来说,北蒙大拿让我叹为观止。Is there any way for a cyclist, especially one from a vertical metropolis, not to be awestruck by northern Montana?

好的,我总是对美国宇航员很尊重。但看到你们经历这些,我只是不由得肃然起敬。Well, I've always had a lot of respect for America's astronauts. But seeing you go through this, I'm just simply awestruck.

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此情此景让西姆斯敬畏不已。他沉默了许久,然后指着下方的熔岩湖说,“我真想去那里取点样品回来。”Sims was awestruck. "There," he said after a long silence, pointing down at the lake, "is where I'd really love to get a sample."

那些玩儿童棒球的孩子们刚才还咒骂那个把他们吓散了的司机,这时也在旁边看热闹,觉得又怕又有趣。The kids playing stickball gathered to curse the driver who had made them scatter, but now were watching with awestruck interest.

当年轻的妇女去日本中部关原镇时,看到德川家康的画像仍是倾慕不已。Yet this is the image of him that confronts awestruck young women when they travel to the village of Sekigahara in central Japan.

这神奇的遭遇使约伯哑口无言,也必然驱使他跪了下来,痛切悔改。This confrontation caused Job to be awestruck and dumbfounded, and it must also have driven him to his knees in sorrowful repentance.

当时它是世界最高的建筑物,吸引了成群结队从世界各地慕名而来的瞻仰者。The tallest building in the world when it was originally completed, the Eiffel Tower drew crowds of awestruck observers from around the world.

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穿着短裤和凉鞋的非印第安人游客对有机会与全身穿着部落服装的印第安人共行共舞颇感惊叹。Non-Native visitors in shorts and sandals seemed awestruck at the opportunity to walk and dance alongside men and women in full tribal regalia.

饰出了凹槽的瀑布,看起来象一个石化的瀑布,被藻类染绿,止住了肃然起敬的探洞人的脚步。这里已靠近韩恩洞的出口。Like a petrified waterfall, a cascade of fluted limestone, greened by algae, stops awestruck cavers in their tracks. They're near the exit of Hang En.

那个时刻,十字架不再是个不断重复的说烂的故事,而是我心中的痛,因我是如此污秽而神对我们的爱是如此深厚,谦卑自己。At that moment the crucifixion was not just a repeated, worn-out story but an ache in my heart for how filthy of a sinner I really am and an awestruck humility of how deep God's love for us really is.