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我要一杯咖啡和一份奶油面包卷。I'll have coffee and a brioche.

六岁的小孩手里拿着一块大蛋糕。The little man of six had a big brioche.

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天鹅还没有游到蛋糕那儿。The swans had not yet reached the brioche.

它们既没有看见这个有产者,也没有看见蛋糕。They had seen neither the bourgeois nor the brioche.

你同样可以在特殊场合下将奶油蛋卷做成麻花状。One can also shape the brioche into a braid for special occasions.

此酒带有白色水果和一些奶油蛋糕的香味。Fruity and light with notes of white fruit but also a hint of brioche.

元宝针还有一个别名叫做渔夫针。There is another name for brioche stitch that is fisherman's rib stitch.

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醇美且逐渐浓郁的蜂蜜芬芳与杏仁、奶油蛋糕香气交织融合。An intense and well-developed nose of honey with hints of almond and brioche.

西红柿意式面包,牡蛎配辣根,汉堡和奶头包布丁。Tomato bruschetta, oysters with horseradish, burgers and brioche bread pudding.

与天鹅同时,这时两个小流浪者也走近了蛋糕。In the meanwhile, the two little waifs had approached the brioche at the same time as the swans.

往切片了的牛角面包或迷你奶油蛋卷中加入几小块优质的巧克力,然后放到烤炉里面去烘烤。Slip a few tablets of good chocolate into a sliced croissant or mini brioche and warm in the oven.

玛丽安张了张嘴,想告诉他们她昨天晚所做的事,但她咬了一口黄油蛋卷,把嘴闭上了,什么也没说。Marian opened her mouth to tell them what she had done the night before and then she closed it on brioche , no words.