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他划了一根火柴。He struck a match.

我斗不过你。I'm not your match.

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他们嬴了这场比赛。They won the match.

这是场势均力力敌的比赛。It was a close match.

这火柴檫不着。The match won't grab.

而谁是和她最般配的男人?Who's her best match?

请读一读,看图连连看。Please read and match.

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卖火柴的小女孩。The little match girl.

这个很容易配衬的。This is easy to match.

天造地设的一对。A match make in heaven.

色彩配合得很好。The colours match well.

我就是那个卖火柴的小女孩。I am a little Match Girl.

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也许我配不上你。Maybe I donn't match you.

变量匹配器?。VMU? Variable Match Unit?

那场比赛最后不分胜负。The match ended in a draw.

他在这次比赛中失败了。He missed out at the match.

火柴立刻燃着。The match caught instantly.

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这是一对优秀的组合。This is an excellent match.

与友人K'的第一场战斗。First match with friend, K'.

你能找一块和这个一样的墙纸吗?Can you match this wallpaper?