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这种姿势通常同懒散画上等号。This posture often involves slouching.

你是否坐在你位子的边缘或懒散的?Are you on the edge of your seat or slouching ?

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如果你无精打采地站着,连腰都挺不直,就永远够不到星星。You can't reach for the stars if you're slouching.

另外一大问题是伛偻的上半身。The other big problem is slouching in the upper body.

尽量保持上体自然的姿式。Try to keep a tall natural posture without slouching.

无生命的死尸,无奈地诉说着死亡,无头的你很淫邪!Lifeless body, slouching dead Lecherous abcess, where you once had a head!

没精打采不仅使你看起来缺乏吸引力,而且影响你的健康。Slouching not only makes you look less attractive, it can also affect your health.

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鬣狗的步履笨拙,懒散,然而跑起来速度惊人。Yet, in spite of its awkward, slouching gait, the hyena can run surprisingly quickly.

车的后面大黑狗哀哀地叫着,尾巴耷拉着。Behind the police car followed the black dog, slouching its tail, barking sorrowfully.

伛原因各种各样的问题,文书举行的立场,并鞠躬立场。Slouching causes all sorts of problems with instrument holding position, and bow position.

如果你正在发愁或无精打采,那么注意你的心情,你的精力,以及你身体的感觉。Notice your mood, your energy levels, how your body feels, if you are frowning or slouching.

此外,避免伛肩膀或其他一些不良姿势。Also, at all costs avoid the slouching shoulders or bad posture for that can ruin your picture.

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肩膀低垂或是内旋会使胸肌缩短并且弹性降低。Slouching or rolling your shoulders forward shortens your chest muscles and reduces their flexibility.

当你弓背,这可能由于疲劳,但人们从中获得的信号是你缺乏兴趣。You may be slouching because you're tired, but people may read it as a sign that you're not interested.

长年弹琴所累积的坏习惯,例如驼背、手腕弯曲、前臂紧绷、手肘抬高等,可能都与局部肌张力不全有关。Bad habits— slouching , angled wrists, rigid forearms, raised elbows—can over years of playing contribute to focal dystonia.

没精打采的坐着不仅让您看起来比实际年龄大,也会导致氧气摄入量减少而使精力大幅衰退。Slouching not only makes you look older than you are, it also leads to a huge drop in energy by decreasing your oxygen intake.

放弃高脂的零食,一天做100个仰卧起坐,当你发现自己懒散或者尝试学一项新技能的时候站直身体。Give up high-fat snacks, do 100 sit-ups a day, stand up straight when you catch yourself slouching or try to learn a new skill.

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可能你发现,当谈论起你所想要的时,你自己弯腰驼背、没精打采的,或者有一种想冲出房间的强烈愿望。Perhaps you find yourself hunching or slouching as you talk about what you want, or having a strong desire to bolt out of the room.

一提起身体姿势,妈妈总是知道得最多,她不厌其烦地提醒你要站直、别懒懒散散的,而这些都是正确的建议。When it comes to posture, your mother did know best. Her frequent reminders to stand up straight and stop slouching were good advice.

哦,坐直了,不要显得太僵硬,更不要靠在椅子背上。软绵绵地瘫在椅子上或者坐立不安这些都不行。Oh, you should sit up straight. Don't sit too stiffly and don't sprawl out over the chair. Slouching and fidgeting are absolute no-nos.