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孩子们在草坪上嬉闹。The children were romping about on the lawn.

孩子们,还有狗在草地上蹦跳嬉戏。The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.

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这位老人在院子里与他的孙子们乱跑乱叫地耍闹。The old man was romping in the courtyard with his grandsons.

我发现将军在客厅里与他的五个小孩嬉戏。I found the general romping in the living room with his five children.

长跑中不要说笑打闹,否则会因呼吸不足而身体不适,也影响跑者形象。Don't shouting and romping on running. It is no good for your breath and image.

价现在的走势很奇怪,居然能在经济数据仍大多惨不忍睹的情况下走高。Oil prices are sure acting strange, romping higher even as the economic news remains mostly dark.

“克努特”已不再是当年那只爱玩足球的可爱的小泰迪熊,而变成了245磅重的食肉机器。Knut was no longer the cuddly little teddy bear romping with a soccer ball, but a 245-pound eating machine.

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每到星期日,公园内总是有许多的男孩和女孩在一起游戏喧闹,相互追逐。On Sundays, there were always lots of boys and girls in the park, romping together and running after one another.

黄昏时看孩子们在草场上追逐、翻滚,草,平整,像是一大张毛毯,包容着活泼的躯体。Now, I enjoy a scene of little children in the twilight chasing and romping around on a neat and smooth lawn like a super-size carpet.

试想,如果骆驼长了翅膀,它们就会在我们的屋顶随意嬉闹,还会吐下来它们反刍过的食物,那会多么让人厌恶啊。Just think, if camels had wings, they would go romping about on our roofs and spitting down their cud, and what a nuisance that would be.

贝托斯卡没有纺纱用的卷线杆,所以她将亚麻绕在自己头上,拎起小篮子,又唱又跳地跟在山羊身后,向白桦林走去。Betushka had no distaff, so she wound the flax around her head. Then she took the little basket and went romping and singing behind the goats to the birch wood.

我和小伙伴在林荫道嬉戏,一串串童稚的笑声在公园上空响起。A group of young men are sweat profusely playing basketball over there, my little peers and I are romping along the boulevard, the park echoed with our childlike laughter.

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当时德国人正大举进犯比利时,我们损失的钱还不多,也就不大介意德国对一个中立国的入侵。Thinking of a summer afternoon in Greenpoint when the Germans were romping over Belgium and we had not yet lost enough money to be concerned over the rape of a neutral country.

可以不避讳地说,那些穿着较少的运动员在沙滩上蹦来跳去,伴随着那些穿着比基尼的啦啦队员和流行音乐,足以吸引观众的眼球。It is safe to say that the sight of scantily clad athletes romping in a sand pit, accompanied by cheerleaders in bikinis and a pop-music soundtrack, caught many spectators by surprise.

街道两边主要是带有小型庭园的移动房屋,不过由于气候的原因,尤其是许多顽童还有狗四处乱跑,所以青草很难生长。Our street consisted mainly of mobile homes with small yards, but grass was difficult to grow in that climate, especially with the many children and dogs romping through the neighborhood.