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到露珠旅馆一定要进来一坐。Do drop in at the Dewdrop Inn.

或许,露珠依然晶莹。Perhaps, glittering and translucent dewdrop still.

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一滴露珠能滴下多少露水,如果露珠可以滴下露水?。How much dew does a dewdrop drop if dewdrops drop dew?

一滴露珠能滴下多少露水,如果露珠可以滴下露水?。How much dew does a dewdrop drop if dew drops drop dew?

如果露珠落下露水,露珠能落下多少滴露水?How much dew could a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop did drop dew?

如果露珠能滴下露水的话,一滴露珠能滴下多少露水?How much dew would a dewdrop drop if dewdrop could drop dew?

宝宝在小床上睡觉。露珠的梦是绿的。Baby is sleeping in little bed. The dream of dewdrop is green.

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聪明的人警告我说,生命只是一颗荷叶上的露珠。——泰戈尔。Wise man warns me that life is but a dewdrop on the lotus leaf.

再近些,你还要可以看见树叶上的露珠和昆虫。Up close, you may spot a dewdrop or an insect sitting on a leaf.

弥满天宇的光明,在草尖的露珠上探求极限。The light that fills the sky seeks its limit in a dewdrop on the grass.

昨晚上甜蜜的私语,今朝的冷绿的露珠……Lover's honeyed words last night turned into the fellness dewdrop today.

在刚刚盛开的百合花瓣中,沾满了晶莹的露珠。The petal of the lily is filled with glittering and translucent dewdrop.

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我们的上帝在他慈悲的干渴里,会把我们——露珠和眼泪——都喝下去。Our God in His gracious thirst will drink us all, the dewdrop and the tear.

无论谁,都会张大嘴巴,深深的呼吸,向痛饮露珠似的感到陶醉,清爽。Whoever will wide mouth, and deep breathing, to feel like drinking dewdrop charmed, relaxed.

我们在每个不同的地方错过,不禁的错过使清晰而又透明的露珠凝结。We miss each other in different place, Endless missing coagulates to clear and translucent dewdrop.

我们彼此遥念,让不尽的相思,凝结成品莹透明的露珠。We miss each other in different place. Endless missing coagulates to clear and translucent dewdrop.

“你是莲叶下那粒大粒的露珠,而我是叶沿上小滴的露水。”露珠这样对湖说到。"You are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf, I am the smaller one on its upper side. " said the dewdrop to the lake.

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喜乐像露珠一样地脆弱,它在欢笑中死去。哀愁却是坚强而耐久。让含愁的爱在你眼中醒起吧。Pleasure is frail like a dewdrop while it laughs it dies. but sorrow is strong and abiding . let sorrowful love wake in your eyes.

“我梦到了你,可我不敢奢望为你效a劳,”露珠哭泣着说,“我太小了,载不动你,我的生命全都是眼泪。”"I dream of thee, but to serve thee I can never hope, " the dewdrop wept and said, "I am too small to take thee unto me, great lord, and my life is all tears.

在给定的物理模型下,提出了露珠泛洪法的工作过程和代价估算,并在数学上加以了描述和证明,给出了系统性能最优的条件。Under given physical models, the work flow and cost estimation dewdrop flooding method is described and proved mathematically. The conditions of optimizing the whole system are also given here.