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我怎么知道讲台是存在的How do I know that there is a lectern?

读经台上覆盖着黄色丝绸被单。The lectern was draped in yellow silk sheets.

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谢辽日卡先动手做读经台。First of all Seryozhka sets to work on the lectern.

这次他从座位上站起来,迈着大步很自信地跨上讲台。This time he got up from his chair and strode to the lectern confidently.

正当他站在白宫西厢讲台上侃侃而谈时,对奥巴马先生的怀疑简直是从天而降。The disbelief fairly dripped from Mr. Obama as he stood at the West Wing lectern.

这种方式可以传送出的活力和说服力是躲在讲台后怎样也不可能做到的。This delivers energy and conviction that can never be achieved from behind a lectern.

他的手一会儿在摆弄他的演讲稿,一会儿在抚弄衬衫上的扣子,一会儿又在讲台上敲打。They fidgeted with his notes, played with the buttons of his shirt, and drummed on the lectern.

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他像个死囚犯似的从椅子上站起来,步履沉缓地走上讲台,那样子像是走向断头台。He got up from his chair like a condemned man and plodded to the lectern as though going to the guillotine.

如果你想做手势就尽管去做,避免做那种被演讲台掩盖的微小的手的动作。If you want to gesture, go ahead and gesture. Avoid minor hand movements that will be masked by the lectern.

直到来自南非夸祖鲁纳塔尔大学的杰里·科瓦迪亚教授步上讲台时,这一切才得到改变。Then Jerry Hoosen Coovadia, a Professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, stepped up to the lectern.

读经台上的十字架、福音书以及从读经台上垂下来的飘带,他都圆满地做成了。He is perfectly successful in the cross on the lectern, the gospel, and the drapery that hangs down from the lectern.

奥巴马站在棕色的木制讲台后面,外套上用别针固定着美国和肯尼亚的国旗。Wearing a pin on his jacket that combined the flags of Kenya and the United States, Obama stood behind a brown wooden lectern.

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不使用PPT的另一个好处就是你不用一直待在讲台上,不停地按着鼠标。One of the great things about not using a slide presentation is that you do not have to hide behind a lectern pressing the mouse.

三年前,在这个讲台上,盖茨的前任部长,唐纳德·H·拉姆斯·菲尔德,直接批评过中国快速发展的武装力量。Three years ago at the same lectern here, Mr. Gates’s predecessor, Donald H. Rumsfeld, bluntly criticized China’s swift military buildup.

不过,正如当时安详的伊拉克总理马基利所见到的那样,布什蜷缩在演讲台后的狼狈形象已被定格。But Bush is unlikely ever to escape the image of him cowering behind a lectern watched by an unruffled Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki.

在他发表演说的讲台附近放着13双靴子,每双靴子上还放着一把步枪和一顶头盔,旁边还有遇难者的照片。Near the lectern where he delivered his address, 13 pairs of boots were placed, each with a rifle and helmet, along with photographs of the dead.

演讲的地点是伍德洛威尔逊学院的大礼堂,这是我第一次站在这座讲台的后面,想一想都觉得够酷的。My speech's venue was the Woodrow Wilson School's main auditorium. It was a kind of cool to imagine being on the other side of the lectern there for the first time.

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1965年2月21日,在曼哈顿奥特朋舞厅的一个报告会上,多名凶手在马尔科姆准备上台讲话时,用猎枪和手枪将他杀害。On February 21, 1965, at the Audubon Ballroom, in Washington Heights, multiple assassins fired shotguns and pistols at Malcolm as he stepped to the lectern for a speech.

轮到评论团介绍的时候,走到讲台,介绍评论团的每个成员。评论团的每个成员讲完,都感谢评估他或她的努力。When introduced to conduct the evaluation phase of the meeting, go to the lectern and introduce each evaluator. After each recitation, thank the evaluator for his or her efforts.