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“他命该尝受被公众憎恨的苦头”。It was his lot to taste the bitterness of popular odium"."

他因解雇老管理员而激起公愤。He incurred the odium of everyone by sacking the old caretaker.

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当然,信仰上的互相厌恶是确实存在的,这也是敌意产生的一个原因。There is, of course, the odium theologicum, and it can be a cause of enmity.

然而随着城市的发展,周边的环境与上海音乐厅越来越不谐调。As the development of cities, the surround environment isn't in harmony with the Shanghai odium.

几年前,我看到了对上海的二楼咖啡厅憎恨她的画之一。A few years ago, I saw one of her paintings in the café on the second floor of the Shanghai odium.

音乐厅里舞台面积狭小,如果合唱队和乐队同时上场就会显得非常拥挤。And as the small space the Odium has, it will very crowd for chorus and bands playing together on the stage.

每个人对他自己的行为负责,没有人因为他人的错误而置于被怀疑和责难的境地。Every one is to be accountable for his own actions, and no man is to be laid under a suspicion or odium for the fault of another.

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他们也遭到了在总理和其他政党领袖领导下的以前的同事们的反对,指责他们让政治体系背负了更多的骂名。Their former colleagues, led by the Prime Minister and the other party leaders, turned on them, accusing them of bringing more odium down on the political system.

由于要为新电站和其他设施买单,电费要涨价,此时重新实施中央集权会招致处境困难的公众的非难。Reimposing central control at a time when bills are rising to pay for new power stations and other infrastructure risks attracting the odium of a hard-pressed public.

曼联队长罗比基恩在自传中承认自己有意踢伤曼城中场哈兰德,他被公众鄙视与不齿。Manchester United Captain Roy Keane admitted he deliberately set out to injure Manchester City midfielder Haaland in his autobiography . He earned widespread public contempt and odium.