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写作是道工艺,如木匠做活。Writing is a craft, like carpentry.

写作就像木工,也是个工艺活。Writing is a craft, like carpentry.

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这件木工活做得很粗糙。The carpentry work was just mickey mouse.

在那里他认真地学习了木工There he learned carpentry in a very serious way.

罗宾到城里干木匠活去了。Robin moved to town and turned his hand to carpentry.

木工和士兵的需求约束是类似的。The carpentry and soldier demand constraints are similar.

它们可是专业的,是请木工定制的成品。They are professional, finished pieces of custom carpentry.

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当你干木活甚至院子活时戴护目镜。Wear goggles when you're doing carpentry or even yard work.

做木工活或庭院里的活计时带上防护镜。Wear goggles when you’re doing carpentry or even yard work.

父亲还会在建房子的时候教他们做木工活。Andtheir father taught them carpentry when building the house.

我和爸爸经常在周末一起做木工活打发时间。Carpentry was a way to spend time with my dad on the weekends.

我说的有趣,很像是对象是人的木匠活。What I mean by that is it is very similar to carpentry on people.

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对于木工约束来说,注意它也有一个上界。For the carpentry constraint, note that it's also an upper boundary.

随着时代改变,有一家木材店现在也买现成的棺材。In a sign of the times, one carpentry shop now sells ready-made coffins.

在木工方面,买不合规格的、劣质木板是首选。In carpentry respect, buy substandard, inferior board is first selection.

我实际上并不喜欢干木匠活,我宁愿化钱让别人来干。Carpentry isn't really up my street. I'd rather pay someone else to do it.

商店老板说,不能退货,因为木工已经拿了回扣。Shop owner said, can not return because carpentry has taken kickbacks. Ms.

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耶稣或许是在做大鸟的学徒工时,首次得到了上帝的启示。Jesus probably had his first revelations while doing humdrum carpentry work.

而德胜鲁班木工学校正是在这一领域扮演着最关键的角色。Tecsun Luban Technical School plays a vital role with this carpentry program.

他身体非常灵敏,他喜欢运动和干体力活,像木工活。He's very active physically and likes sport and manual things, like carpentry.