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我的车陷在雪堆里了。My car's stuck in a snowdrift.

该死的汽车陷在雪堆里了。The dad-blamed car got stuck in a snowdrift.

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一对偌大的,毛茸茸的耳朵竖起在雪堆上。Two huge, hairy ears stuck up above the snowdrift.

每年冬天啊,我这窗子底下都会堆这么一大堆的雪。Every winter, this giant snowdrift grows right under my windows.

她的手指松开,他以前的躯体向后倒入雪堆。His old flesh fell back into the snowdrift as her fingers loosened.

午夜过后,一场大雪迫使东方快车停了下来。Just after midnight, a snowdrift stopped the Orient Express in its tracks.

行驶在伊利诺斯州的暴风雪,16岁那年,他被困在了。Driving in an Illinois snowstorm when he was 16, he got stuck in a snowdrift.

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他们来到窗前一看,看见一只小小兔结结实实陷在了雪堆里。They went to the window and saw a very little Bunny stuck fast in a snowdrift.

他的手指冰冷,就好像上课前他一直把手埋在雪堆里一样。His fingers were ice-cold, like he'd been holding them in a snowdrift before class.

在一些实际情况中,有些合作的代理人可能愿意多付出自己的收益而对不合作者进行惩罚。And in other situations a punisher acts the same like a cooperator in original Snowdrift Game.

我呢家里也没梯子,但是只要这雪堆得够高,不要梯子我也够得着窗子。I don’t have a ladder, but when the snowdrift is big enough, I can climb up and wash my windows without one!

当她从位于康涅狄格州布鲁克菲尔德的自家平台上拆下埋在雪里的5英尺高圣诞树时也不用烦恼了。No sense fretting about taking down the 5-foot Christmas tree buried in a snowdrift on her deck in Brookfield, Conn.

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然后西奥多就看见松鼠奶奶穿着一件粉色和白色相间的毛茸大衣,现在正站在一座大雪堆上忙着擦窗户,所以没有看到西奥多。Theodore found Grandma Squirrel standing on top of a huge snowdrift. She had on a fuzzy coat with pink and white stripes.

韦勒自己曾经也是一个无助驾驶员,在他16岁的时候驾驶在伊利诺斯州的暴风雪中,陷入了雪堆。Weller was once a stranded motorist himself. Driving in an Illinois blizzard when he was 16, he got stuck in a snowdrift.

著名的雪堆博弈是自私个体间的合作行为的一个隐喻。The snowdrift game is a celebrated game used as metaphor for investigating cooperative behaviors between selfish individuals.

这些防水靴给你拖鞋,像温暖的不怕小斯诺德里夫特,他们期待五路'的裙子。These waterproof boots give you slipper-like warmth that's not afraid of a little snowdrift , and they look smokin' with a skirt.

最后,我们结合雪堆博弈模型和少数者博弈的演化方法研究了多人竞争系统中合作行为产生的原因。Thirdly, we combine the snowdrift game and the evolutionary rules of minority game to study the cooperative behavior in multi-agents competing system.

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阐述了我国西部地区和东北地区公路雪害造成的危害和公路风吹雪防治的必要性,并提出了相应的防治措施。The paper expounded the hazards of snowdrift on highway and the necessity against snowdrift in West and Northeast of China, and presented corresponding resolved methods.

王后抓住希琳公主把她往后拉,她的骑士们伸手握住剑柄,弄臣警觉地想跑开,却失去平衡,一屁股摔坐在雪堆上。The queen grabbed hold of Princess Shireen and pulled her back, her knights reached for their swords, and Patchface reeled away in alarm, lost his footing, and plopped down on his arse in a snowdrift.