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同时一位地震学家在报纸上也写道这次灾难是可以预料到的。Also in the newspaper, a seismologist wrote that the country's disaster was foreseeable.

海啸是罕见事件。“Tsunamis are rare events, ” said Paul Huang, a seismologist with the tsunami warning center.

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美国地质调查局的地震学家斯图尔特·西普金称,破坏程度取决于好几个因素。How much damage depends on several factors, says Stuart Sipkin, a seismologist at the U. S. Geological Survey.

该预告是在数周前由意大利阿布鲁齐的巨石峰国家实验室的地震学家发布的。The prediction had been posted weeks earlier by a seismologist at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Abruzzi, Italy.

美国地质勘探局退休学者夏尔·比弗则属极少数支持大地震“扎堆”观点的地震学家。Retired U. S. Geological Survey is a very small number of scholars support Xiaerbifu the earthquake, "get together" view of the seismologist.

随着我国地震预报技术的不断进步,地震工作者对地震电磁学的研究不断深入。With the improvement of domestic earthquake forecast level, the research of seismologist on seismo-electromagnetism have developed and deepened.

毫无疑问,地震都是有诱因的,纽约拉蒙多特利地球观测中心的地质学家莱昂赛博说。There's no question triggered earthquakes happen, says seismologist Leonardo Seeber of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York.

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另外,西雅图的地震学家,卢丝˙鲁德温,发现村庄被冲走,和鲸鱼与雷鸟在扭打搏斗的传说。In addition, Ruth Ludwin, a seismologist in Seattle, discovered tales of villages being washed away and of whales and thunderbirds locked in fights.

尽管地震学家孙晓东承认这种神秘性是真正复杂难解的问题,他和他的地震学家朋友保罗理查德已经想过如何解开这个迷团。Although seismologist Xiaodong Song acknowledged the mystery is really a complicated problem, he and fellow seismologist Paul Richards have managed to unravel it.

“仙台曾经发生过地震,但是却没有发生过强烈大地震,”麻布金森说,他是美国帕萨迪纳加州理工学院的地震学家。"There has been seismicity but not really great-earthquake seismicity," says Hiroo Kanamori, a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

“仙台曾经发生过地震,但是却没有发生过强烈大地震,”麻布金森说,他是美国帕萨迪纳加州理工学院的地震学家。"There has been seismicity but not really great-earthquake seismicity, " says Hiroo Kanamori, a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

日本国家地球科学和灾难防御研究所的地震学家田中幸子研究了超过2000例地震与海潮之间的关系。Sachiko Tanaka, a seismologist at Japan's National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, correlated more than 2,000 earthquakes worldwide with tides.

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日本国家地球科学和灾难防御研究所的地震学家田中幸子研究了超过2000例地震与海潮之间的关系。Sachiko Tanaka, a seismologist at Japan's National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, correlated more than 2, 000 earthquakes worldwide with tides.

一位地震家,霹有一名矿业工人,他们必须阻止这场可能毁灭半个世界的大地震。A seismologist and a miner must stop a massive earthquake that threatens to tear the world in half. Starring Brittany Murphy, Eriq La Salle, Bruce Davison, and Justin Hartley.

“但是这不一定在其他地方也执行”,旧金山评估公司为联邦政府和私营公司评估地震灾害的地震学家伊万·黄说。"But it's not always done elsewhere," says Ivan Wong, of URS Corp. of San Francisco, a seismologist who evaluates seismological hazards for the federal government and private firms.