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你会受到那个家伙的牵连。You would hamper yourself with that fellow.

他要领取由新堡运来的一箱和一大篮货物。He wanted a box and a hamper that come from Newcastle.

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天生丽质会妨碍一个女生的智力发展么?Does being attractive hamper a coed’s intellectual development?

但VSS的吉姆•鲁塞福德说监管不会妨碍公关业的发展。But that will not hamper PR's growth, says Jim Rutherfurd of VSS.

陈规陋习妨碍生产的发展。Outdated conventions and bad customs hamper the growth of production.

腐败、保护主义和繁文缛节阻碍了外国商人在各个领域的发展。Corruption, protectionism and red tape hamper foreigners in all fields.

宗教的律法始终在阻碍着道德的发展。Religious rules and laws invariably hamper the development of conscience.

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元数据方法本身不会影响层的可测试性。The metadata approach doesn't hamper the testability of the layers per se.

可以把需要洗的衣服或其他物品存放在这个储物桶里,保持家里整齐,清洁。Keep your nursery neat and clean by storing laundry in this stylish hamper.

但是,如果血钙含量过高,则会妨碍锌的吸收。But, if blood is calcic content is exorbitant, can hamper zincic absorption.

类似的限制阻碍了国外书籍和杂志的销售。Similar restrictions hamper the distribution of foreign books and magazines.

水帮你排掉那些阻碍你能量的脂肪和毒素。Water also flushes out fat deposits and toxins, which can hamper your energy.

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一些人拒绝服用吡喹酮类药物,认为这样会使他们丧失劳动能力。Some refuse to take Praziquantel, believing it will hamper their ability to work.

尽管这个命令很有用,但它也可能会阻碍问题诊断。Although this can be useful, it also has the potential to hamper problem diagnosis.

但是专家说,缺乏资源和能力可能妨碍他们的举措。But the lack of resources and capacity may hamper their efforts, experts have said.

分心会妨碍正常的阅读速度,而且让你无法理解。Distractions will hamper regular reading but they will make speed reading impossible.

不要穿越受灾区域去看热闹,这样只会妨碍救援行动。Do not go sightseeing through areas of damage. You will only hamper the relief effort.

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如何有效地遏制网络蠕虫在大规模网络中的传播成为非常迫切需要解决的问题。Therefore, it is pressing to hamper Internet worm's prevalence in large scale network.

不要穿越受灾区域去看热闹,这样只会妨碍救援行动。Do not go sightseeing through areas of damage. You will only hamper the relief effort.

在换马匹和派人找一个新的大篮子时,奶酪商醒了。The cheesemonger woke when they stopped to change the horses and sent for a fresh hamper.