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今年74岁的穆希卡将成为乌拉圭第52任总统。Mujica, 74, became the 52nd president of Uruguay.

例如,乌拉圭在2005年建立一个债务机构。For instance, Uruguay created a debt agency in 2005.

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智利和乌拉圭许多航班被取消。Many flights in Chile and Uruguay have also been cancelled.

斯对裁判判罚的红牌未予置评。Uruguay coach Oscar Tabarez did not comment on the red card.

韩国的车斗里的反应后输给乌拉圭6月26日。South Korea's Cha Du-ri reacts after losing to Uruguay June 26.

乌拉圭队长迭戈卢加诺是第一个逃离,加盟巴黎圣日耳曼。Uruguay skipper Diego Lugano was the first to flee, joining PSG.

乌拉圭22日发行一套北京奥运主题纪念邮票。Uruguay issued a set of Beijing Olympics-themed postal stamps Tuesday.

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一个在乌拉圭专门从事起搏器的公司帮助他们制造产品原型。A company in Uruguay specializing in pacemakers is building the prototype.

乌拉圭曾于早年两度夺杯。而阿根廷染指奖杯,则是1979年和1986年的事。Uruguay won twice in the early years, while Argentina won in 1979 and 1986.

她可以带上在乌拉圭买的手工艺杯。She could take the handicraft cups that they had bought in Uruguay with her.

缔约方会议于2010年在乌拉圭举行第四届会议,审查了取得的进展。The COP reviewed the progress made at its fourth session in Uruguay in 2010.

乌拉圭例外—他们一开始是个三后卫阵型。Again, Uruguay are slight exception – they did start with a three-man defence.

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乌拉圭对有机会接待中国国家主席的来访感到非常高兴。Uruguay is very glad to have the opportunity to receive the Chinese president.

乌拉圭愿与中方加强在多边领域中的合作。Uruguay would like to strengthen cooperation with China in multilateral fields.

本小组的另一场比赛,乌拉圭1比0小胜墨西哥,以小组头名出线。In the group's other match, Uruguay topped the group with a 1-0 win over Mexico.

苏亚雷斯当然不能参加下一场比赛了,因为乌拉圭已经没有下一场了。Suárez is then out of the next game for sure, because there is none for Uruguay.

巴特列对江主席前来乌拉圭进行国事访问表示热烈欢迎。Batlle extended a warm welcome to President Jiang for his state visit to Uruguay.

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阿尔及利亚和美国、乌拉圭和加纳、朝鲜和巴西、日本和喀麦隆,这些国家还能在别的什么方面有机会同场公平竞技?Where else do Algeria and the U.S. meet on a level playing field? Uruguay and Ghana?

2010年2月初,剧烈的雷暴使乌拉圭和阿根廷的部分地区洪水泛滥。Intense thunderstorms inundated parts of Uruguay and Argentina in early February 2010.

乌拉圭后卫、队长迭戈卢加诺在同加纳进行的比赛中膝盖韧带受伤。Uruguay defender and captain Diego Lugano damaged a right knee ligament against Ghana.